The Snake

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John's P.O.V
"Alright!" Brian called from the recording booth the next morning "I think we should take a break!" Roger hummed in agreement and happily walked over to the coffee machine to pour his seventh cup of coffee. Freddie squeezed my hand a little and made a little noise at me, I smiled at him broadly, ignoring the dirty look Paul gave me.

He was just jealous that something was going on between me and Freddie and he was too late to jump in on it, besides, I didn't want Paul joining in on our relationship, it would be waaaay too creepy. Roger and Brian hadn't really brought up the time I caught them kissing on Brian's bed, I'd been woken up on more than one occasion in the middle of the night to hear some whorish moans coming from Brian's room.

I had promised on my life that I wouldn't tell our manager and Freddie about them until they were ready to, I knew Roger had been hinting at it, sitting on Brian's lap and being overprotective of him, defending him against Freddie, he could be a bit feisty if Freddie was in one of his hangry moods and decided to take it out on Brian or Miami.

Even though our time of being at the farm was coming to an end, Freddie and I still hadn't had sex. We wanted to have that cliche 'when the moments right' for our first time, the most intimate we'd ever been was just sucking each other off and occasionally a handjob but that was about it. I was still a virgin and Freddie had only slept with three people, two boys and one girl, Roger whispered something in Brian's ear at lunch and Brian nodded, letting Roger settle down on his lap.

"We have some news everyone" he said calling everyone into the room, Paul came in along with Miami, I sat next to Freddie, holding his hand under the table, "Roger and I are together" he gave us a nervous smile and Roger held his breath, looking around the room at my face, then at Freddies before turning and looking at Paul and Miami. I immediately said "That's amazing Bri!" I beamed at him, clapping my hands, Freddie joined in and so did Miami, Paul just sat there, glaring at all of us.

Freddie looked at me and gave me a quick kiss on the cheek, he squeezed my hand reassuringly under the table and looked at me for permisson to tell them about us, I nodded and Freddie gave me an adorable smile that made my heart bloody melt. "So we have some news as well" he said, grinning at me. Brian and Roger gave each other a look that suggested they knew what was going on between us, "John and I are Boyfriend and Boyfriend" Roger held out his palm and Brian slapped a five pound note into it.

"Did you bet on us being together?" I asked, looking at Roger and Brian, Roger nodded and smiled at us "Congratulations" Brian said, beaming at us two. I looked over at Paul, his face twisted in a disgusting grin, I felt sick, this was bound to end horribly. We'd finished recording and Freddie decided to take me out for dinner at a really fancy resteraunt in the town, he was acting all secretive about it, not letting me see what he was wearing and where we were going. Brian and Roger knew about it and were teasing me all throughout the day, I wore a pair of black jeans, a grey button up shirt with the top two buttons undone and a black jacket with two tigers on each side.

I knocked on Freddies bedroom door and he opened it, he was wearing a pair of black leather pants, a rhinestone belt, a black shirt with the superman logo on it and a black leather jacket "Evening" he said with a cheeky grin, he hadn't shaved in a while so he had a little stubble growing around his chin and mouth. "You look absolutely gorgeous!" He said kissing me on the forehead as I lead him out of his room.

"Could say the same about you" I said giggling as he lead me towards a limo that was pulled up outside, "Is this for us?" I asked and Freddie nodded, opening the back door for me and letting me step inside the luxurious car, he closed the door once I was in and got in his own side, closing the door and nodded at the driver, we sped down the dimly lit country road.

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