oh khahoma by jack stauber

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tears falling down at the party
saddest little baby in the room
to mia, i lov u cuck 💓
tw! mentions of suicide and abuse
vanitas pov

their smiles
their laughs,,,
i've never understood how someone's face couldn't cramp up at always keeping it all in that position all day
i'd rather rest my face muscles

"hey, can i talk to you for two seconds" sora set his hand on my shoulder
i liked sora. he seemed more chill than the rest
soras eyes glowed under the street lamps
"i'm kinda worried about you" he whispered
"haha,,,,gay" i laughed.
"v i'm being serious. you don't seem yourself tonight"
fuck. i'm gonna have to end up telling him. aren't i.
"it's nothing,,,just-"
suddenly , kairi shouted over
"what are you two doing? we're getting roxas to drink melted sea salt ice cream in one go! you wanna come see?"
i looked at sora
"i'll tell you later"
soras expression fell into pity. i hated it when people pitted me. it's not like,,,they knew

roxas ended up with brain freeze and another sea of laugher and happy tears waved over us
all except me
"so v," axel started. "are your parents not gonna be screaming at you? you're usually in earlier than this"
not in front of everyone,,,
"i don't think we've ever met them dude," roxas popped his head up from the floor
"i don't remember having any"
"then,,,,who do you live with?" xion said
fuck. it's happening
they all looked at each other in question
"xxxtentacion? hate to break it to y-" axel laughed
"no i just call him x" i interrupted
"what's his full name?"
fuck. what to say what to say-
"that's for me to know" i smiled
the first time all night
"well okay mr mystery" sora laughed "you're welcome to stay at mine if you want tonight"
as much as i wanted to. i couldn't
"i'll have to pass , bromeo" i said
stupid. why the fuck did you say that you stupid fuck
an awkward laugh fille the space
"i'm gonna head on." i smiled "x will beat me if i dont haha"
"alright, see you later mate" sora gave me a high five
"later guys"

they all waved and said goodbye, as i walked the dreaded walk
the street lamps were dimmer than usual. the cobblestone pathway darker and scarier.
the moon was covered by clouds, yet was still visible
i should have looked happier
i should have laughed more
i shouldn't have worried them. now they'll think i'm a big attention seeker
my mind raced with doubts
i heard some drunk girls singing kesha songs and laugh to themselves
"you okay hun?" they called , then laughed
i ignored them

i walked up to the dreaded door , and creaked it slowly
shortly after, i heard his voice
"you're late" he said
"yeah,,,they kept me back" i said , awkwardly
"i'll deal with you in the morning, i couldn't be arsed to see you. now fuck off" he shouted
"arsehole" i whispered to myself, a little too loud
"what was that." he turned around swiftly
shit. i'd really done it this time
"i'm an arsehole?"
he kicked my stomach
"you stupid mother fucker. you're poor mother pushed out shit instead of a baby. no wonder she killed herself"
tears filled my eyes
"she,,,,,she didn't-"
"keep telling yourself that , son"
he walked off
god knows where
i couldn't get up

to be continued

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