chapter 5

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no pov
"See! told you i'd keep my promise" roxas said.
he handed them both sea salt ice cream with a gleaming smile
"thanks roxas, i was only joking tho!" xion smiled back at him
"i wasn't!" axel laughed
sora ran up to them with a proud face
"what's got you so happy?" roxas said
"i'm staying at vanitas' house tonight."
they all gasped
"really?!? he never lets anyone over? it's a wonder he let you" axel laughed
"what do you mean?" sora said "i've known him since we were ten and not once have i been in there. i think he'd hinding something"
they all nodded
"well if you find any weed, you owe me a tenner" roxas laughed
"i won't! he's not like that" sora gave him a playful nudge.
to be honest, he was kind of nervous. what if he found something he wasn't supposed to see. or something that was none of his business.
maybe it was just a coincidence he'd never been in.
there's no need to be nervous! sora thought to himself. you've known him forever. it's gonna be fine
vanitas pov

we stood behind the school waiting for the bell to ring.
hurry up.
"so i'm still staying over?" sora mentioned to me.
shit. i forgot about that
"yeah. if you still want" i said to him, not looking up
i'd have to clean up first. and keep it together.
if he found the slighted thing wrong, i'd be in deep shit.
"yeah! of course i do!" sora smiled.
he's lying. he only wants to be nosy
"good. what time are you coming by at?"
sora thought for a bit
"is 6 okay?"
sora always came right on time to things. like on the dot on time
i was always 37 years late.
"yeah. that's fine"

when the bell rang. i walked home with sora and unlocked the door quickly.
x had already left. great !

to say i was dreading sora staying over, was an understatement
i wanted to be alone. or at least leave it until next week...
i hovered over my phone
no. he'll think you hate him
there's no winning is there
soras pov

"are you sure you want to stay there?" my mum said
i emptied my school bag and set my clothes in it
"yeah! why wouldn't i?" i replied
mums expression feel
"just be careful, love. you can call me at anytime you now that?"
i rolled my eyes and smiled
"yes mum"
i gave her a kiss on the cheek and walked out the door
"see you later ,love!" she called
"bye mum" i smiled at her

i walked up to vanitas' door at exactly 6
i gotta stop doing that
i creaked open the door and said "hello?"
the house was dark. there was a single light on in the middle
i walked into the living room and saw pictures on the fireplace
one was of a man and a woman. i didn't recognise them at all
the man looked like vanitas a little bit. but it wasn't him.
there was a picture of a little blonde boy next to it.
kinda looked like roxas !
i knew who this was. it was ventus. vanitas' older brother.
he died around the time i was born.
next to that was a picture of vanitas , ventus and his mum.
they looked so happy and careless
vanitas pov

i walked downstairs to see sora in my living room
how long has he been here?
"oh. hey" i said to him
"shit" he shouted "you scared me"
"i didn't hear you come in" i said to him
sora didn't reply
"who's this?"
he pointed at the photo of my mum and dad
i never met my dad. he died when my mum was pregnant with me.
what if he was still around? would you be living like this?
"oh. that's my mum and dad"
i took the photo in my hands and dusted it off
"they look nice. you look like your dad" sora smiled
i gave him a side smile
"that's the first photo i've ever seen of ven, too"
ah ven. i only knew you for a while
"yeah..." i sighed
"you all look so chilled here" he took the photo of ven , me and mum in his hands
oh fuck
dont cry
tears welled in my eyes. i missed her more than anything
"yeah. i remember when that was taken"
"you do?" sora questioned
"yeah. it was her birthday and she'd just blew out her candles. gran had just gotten her a camera and she wanted the first photo to be of us."
a tear went down my cheek
fuck. shit. fuck. FUCK.
sora noticed it straight away
"hey.." he started. "its gonna be okay"
i realised i said this out loud as soon as i saw his face
"sorry...i just-"
"no no its okay." he started. "v. what's been going on"
he looked serious
he looked me straight in the eyes
"no. v, there's been something wrong ever since this x person started taking care of you. and i know it's not just your mum. who is it. and what's wrong. you don't have to hide it. all your friends and i are always here for you. and don't give me that "it's fine" bullshit. because i know it's not. i cant be the only one who hears you..."
it's over. it's either you tell him or he tells the police.
i sighed
"x. is my dads friend. he worked with him and as soon as he passed he started hanging round us more. when my mum passed, none of my relatives wanted me. they thought they'd have to deal with a depressed person. x was forced to take me and moved in here. i trusted him at first , but then he started abusing me. that's what my bruises are. i've never been in a fight or had a girl or boyfriend. i'm,,,,,i need-"

sora looked shocked
we sat in silence for a while
"i'm calling the police. you can stay at mine until this is sorted
"no no sora its-"
"it's not okay! you need help vanitas.

he called his mum and we sat in his living room

soras mum gave me a hot chocolate and a side hug
"i'm sorry that's happened , love. stay here as long as you need to"
i smiled to her. it's been long since i've had hot chocolate. or a parent.

maybe things were gonna be okay

to be continued

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