chapter 3

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vanitas pov
fuck. he's here. what am i gonna do. i cant go out with too swollen bruises. and what if i don't answer? they'll come round here and know

"i need you go get out for a while."
his stern look scared me.
i gave him one back
and slammed the door

soras pov
bloody course work. tell me again why i picked moving image arts.
i stayed at the computer in front of me
i had to add audio to this film and write about
it in detail.
fuck it.

Sora is tying into "bitch ass"....
Sora: when all do yous wanna come out? fuck this course work
Riku: whenever suits uwu
Kairi is typing...
Kairi: yeah see yous in 5 xxx
Vanitas is typing...
Vanitas: now would be good. i'm locked out
Sora is typing....
Roxas is typing...
Axel is typing...
Xion is typing...

this went on for about 15 mins. we could never arrange anything properly

"right mum, i'm heading out" i shouted
"okay love, take a jacket!" she shouted back
i shut the door and walked down to vanitas' house
he was sitting on the doorstep, in a stare
"you alright?" i said
"oh- wh- yeah i'm fine"
noises came from inside the house
"let's go." he interrupted
he seemed strange again, like last night. something was up.
"so what's up" he said, a little quiet
"nothing, just bored with course work. couldn't be arsed to do it"
he laughed a little "same. i haven't even started mine"

vanitas pov

we caught up with the rest and greeted eachother
"you and sora are early." kairi said "you're usually here an hour late" she laughed
"yeah,,,,locked out" i laughed
sora didn't seem too bought on that lie
"so mr mystery" sora pulled vanitas aside
"what? and stop calling me that."
sora laughed. "my family's gonna be staying in my house over the weekend...can i come to yours?"
how would i explain-
it's not his fault
"buddy? you still there?" sora waved his hand in front of my face
"oh,,,i'll have to ask x" i looked down at the ground
"who even is that?" he sounded concerned "you've said it isn't a parent or uncle?"
fuck. shit. fuck.
"family friend. he was my god father and moved into my mums house know"
you will not cry. boys don't cry. especially in front of  other boys
"oh." sora said "well text me wha he says, yeah?"
sora gave me a synthetic smile
why is he doing that. you wernt the one who died
when everyone has left
it was just me and xion
she was quiet, like me. in fact i think i heard her speak twice this entire night. and that was "bless you" at a sneeze and "are you okay?"
"so , xion"
she seemed a little startled
"yeah? what's up"
"you seem off today. you doing okay?"
she smiled. "yeah. just tired, i can't get to sleep lately
i gave her a smile
we stayed in silence for a bit.
the sound of cars and places broke it occasionally, but it was mostly silence
"i'm gonna head on" she said "mum will be pissed"
vanitas saw himself in her. they acted kind of the same,
maybe something was happening to her too?
no. don't be dramatic. it's none of your business
"yeah me too. x will probs beat me"
xions expression softened "you always say that. who is x anyway?"
should i tell her? she might understand....
"family friend." i said
good save
"ah." she looked at the ground.
her sleeves were down around her hands, making sweater paws
"see you later v, it's nice to talk to you"
i gave her a smile and walked on
i'd never properly talked to her
it was nice

as i walked home i passed the graveyard
it had been a while since i visited...
the gates were shut anyway. there was no point hopping over...

i walked in the door and a pile of clothes lay on the stairs
fucking gross
i went into the kitchen and poured myself a bowl of cereal
and x walked in the door

he stood and looked at me
"what are you doing" he looked down at my cereal
"feeding myself" i said
i didn't dare look at him
go on. ask him. i dare you.
he turned around, swiftly. "what" he said, with a shake
"sora wants to come round this weekend. do you think you could go somewhere"
that. was. the. wrong. thing. to. say.
"sora? that posh kid? sure."
"what?" i said, surprisingly
i had never really asked him for anything before
"i said sure. i don't care what you do with your gay little friends" he laughed "ill leave for the weekend with crystal, but anything out of place. and i'll send you six feet under with your mother. understand?"
i shook at his response
"hm." he sighed.
he slammed the door of the house. probably to find a new crystal.

Vanitas is tying....
Vanitas: x is gonna be out for the weekend. you can come round

Sora is tying...
Sora: :)))))))))))

i laughed
was this gonna go well? who knows

to be continued

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