chapter 4

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Xions POV

"you're late" my mother called
"sorry sorry sorry" i muttered "it won't happen again"
i was only five minutes.
i knew i shouldn't have been so awkward around vanitas and just left earlier
"it better not" my father said from over in the study
"it won't. i promise"
they both said "hm" at the same time and i scuttled up to my room
my room was how i left it. clean. as usual
my parents never let me leave the house until my bedroom and i were perfect
i took off my coat and set it on the hook at the back of my door
the room was a pretty shade of pale pink, i walked up to my desk and stared at the small pink sketch book.
i hadn't drawn in it for must feel lonely

i looked at myself in the mirror. what was i thinking? a pink jumper?
i held the ends of the sleeves, making sweater paws and walked away
this became a habit , lately
i didn't need to, it was just comforting

Roxas is typing in "sea salt"
Roxas: oof did anyone get the maths done?
roxas never had his maths done
Xion is typing...
"yeah i'll send it too you when i get home"
that was a lie
i just couldn't be bothered to get it out of my bag
Roxas is typing...
i laughed
Xion is typing...
Xion: FINE. but you owe me AND axel some sea salt ice cream
Axel is tying...
Axel: didn't even do anything but you heard the woman roxas
Roxas is typing...
Roxas: F I NE oof i'm gonna be broke
i smiled but soon leaped out of bed when i heard my mum coming upstairs
this was a reflex
she opened my door swiftly
"how was school today. i never got the chance to ask" she said, setting clothes neatly on my bed
"it was good. we had maths and we did work on multiplying integers"
"hm. i hope you listened" she said with a smile
i gave her one back and put the clothes on my bed away
Roxas is typing...
Roxas: p l e a s e
Xion is typing...
Xion: you're very impatient :)

i sent him the homework and packed away for tomorrow.
"xion. dinners ready"
i walked downstairs into the kitchen and sat down, with my phone out
"xion? phone away please" my dad commanded
we ate in silence before my mother broke it
"all homework done?"
"room tidy?"
"good girl. you've made up for being late"
why would i have to make up for five minutes!
"you have running at 6am tomorrow, so i suggest you sleep early tonight"
they went on and on and on about everything i had to do this week.
"so. who were you out with tonight?" they asked
i listed off everyone they approved first
"and vanitas"
they went a bit silent
"who?" my dad said
"soras friend."
"a boy?"
"y-yes. but we didn't talk much."
they gave a look to each other
"can you do the dishes please dear?" my mum said
this wasn't a question. it was a command
as i cleared away the dishes and carefully put them in the dishwasher. she whispered
"you looked lovely today dear"
and walked off
that made me smile

i walked up to my room and started out the window
was it really my life i was living? or theirs...

i didn't ask to be put in all these clubs or groups. i was kind of expected to.

Xion is typing into "sea salt"...
Xion: anyone online?
Axel is typing...
Roxas is typing...
Axel: yeah what's up?
Roxas: why? you're usually never the first to talk oof
Xion is typing...
Xion: yeah i'm fine. i just miss you guys
Roxas is typing...
Axel is typing...
Roxas: we lit saw eachother 2 hours ago but :((
Axel: awk Xion :(( are you sure everything's okay?
Xion is typing...
Xion: yes i'm sure :) i'm just a little tired i guess
Xion has went offline

i closed my phone and lay on my bed
it was a dumb thing to talk about. i'd sound ungrateful.

eh. maybe tomorrow

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