bitch lasanga

16 1 0

to mia ❤️
warning! contains violence

Vanitas pov

it was starting to get bad again. i could tell.
i was sleeping in. i was skipping school.
i lived in our old house, all the police tape had been taken down.
a few months back
"are you sure you can live on your own?" aqua said, concerned. "you're only 17-"
i laughed a little. "yes, aqua. i'll be fine don't worry.
"you can call me whenever you need to"
she put her hand on my cheek and hugged me
the moment she left i realised how fucked i was.
i was on my own in a place where awful memories lay
i began to bite my nails until there was none left
i did that when i got nervous or scared.
what if he came back? what would i do?
he'd for sure hurt me in some way. there was no denying that

3 missed calls from Sora
16 new messages from "bitch ass"

shit. better answer those

Vanitas is tying...
Vanitas: hey sora, sorry i missed your calls. is everything alright?
Sora is tying...
Sora: we're just worried about you, v. you haven't been at school all week. is everything okay?
Vanitas is tying....
Vanitas: yeah. i'll be in on monday. promise

i closed my phone and threw it to the end of my bed
what was wrong with me?
then, there was a knock at the door.
i walked downstairs and creeped open the door
"hey, kiddo"
i couldn't believe it.
it was x
i slammed the door in his face and ran up to my room
fuck. shit. fuck. what was he doing here
how did-

"you can't run away from me. i need to talk to you"
he forced the door open until it was just me and him standing in the hallway
i couldn't move
i couldn't speak
i was: scared shitless

"i fucking trusted you and your shitey cousin. next thing i know i'm in prison."
he took the cuff of my shirt and held it towards him
"it's about time you learned how to be trustworthy"
he threw me to the ground and kicked me in the chest
he punched my face and watched it bleed

the second i knew i punched him back was when i looked at the blood on my fist
"AH FUCK" he screamed
i had to get out.
my fists were still clenched.
"asshole." i said, slamming the door
i didn't know where i was going
i was all bruised and bloody
i didn't care.
anywhere away from him was best

i started feeling dizzy
i must have hit my head hard,,,,

my heart screamed as i fell to the concrete floor of my street.

"you've only fainted. nothing too bad." sora said to me
i woke up on his sofa
my head was all bloody and my hands and arms were scratched
he handed me a hot chocolate and sat beside me
"i was gonna tell you....i prom-"
"it's okay." i interrupted. "you didn't know he was going to come back to our house"
soras expression fell. "i feel bad though. i should have just told you"
"sora. it's fine" i said, smiling.
he smiled back and looked at the tv
great. looks like you're gonna be baby sat again.

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