Chapter 12

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We ordered our food and sat down in a booth. The kids went off to go get to know each other better. while me and Demontay stayed at the booth .

"Do you think I'll have another chance." He asked

"Oh I thought we was already together. " i said smiling

He started grinning hard. He pulled my face and gave me a big wet juicy kiss.  I pulled away and had silvia around my lips.

"Damn JR." I said wiping around my mouth

He started laughing. Then the waitress gave us our food . I stood up and went to go get the kids . I walked in the play house and Baby Tay and Ayana was sitting down talking

"Baby Tay and Ayana come on the food is here." I yelled

They walked over to me and we started walking back to the booth

I was walking over to the booth when I seen the waitress trying to flirt with Demontay but he was on his phone .

"Bitch get the fuck away. I got someone. " he yelled

The girl look at me and I showed  her my gun she hurried and walked away. Me and the kids proceed to walk to the booth . We sat down

"Grab hands" Baby Tay said

We all grabbed hands and bowed our head.

"God is great God is good thank you lord for our food. Bow our heads shall be feed . Thank God for daily bread. Thank you God for letting me meet my dad and my little sister. I finally have a happy family I always wanted Amen." baby Tay  said


I smiled at Demontay and he blushed Lol. I passed out everyone's food and we dug in .


After we ate we went back to Demontay's parents house. We walked inside the house and RJ, BJ ,TJ , Jamya,Shuntel and Ariel was at the house . I ran and gave everyone a hug. I introduce Baby Tay to his Aunts and Uncles . Then him and Ayana ran off in the house and played somewhere

"So Demontay where's your hoey ass wife of yours."Shuntel said

"I killed her." I shrugged

"Bitch you lying." Ariel said with a shocked face

"I forgot to tell y'all. I have my own gang down in Virginia. I have a trap house down here too. " I shrugged

The boys started dapping me up and shit . I just laughed.

"Wait how did Ayana react." Jamaya asked

"She was... I don't know. Demontay you tell them " I said

"She was... Like umm she said "Good" Demontay blurted out

"She did" they questioned

"She told me that her mother used to choke her and beat her when I was sleep." Demontay said holding his head down

"I told your stupid ass." Jamaya yelled

"She calls me mom. Is it too soon? Like she said she hope I don't treat her the same way her other mom did" I said

"My opinion. No it's not too soon she just want a mother figure. I guess you look like the mother figure to her" Ariel said

"I agree ." Jamaya said nodding her head.

"But we just met today " I said

"Baby it don't matter if you did or didn't. Just accept the fact that you already mean something to her" Demontay mama said coming into the living room

We all chilled for a little while then RJ asked if I was ready to go to my condo.

"Get the kids" he said

I walked into Demontay's old room baby Tay and Ayana was sleeping together. Demontay came behind me and hugged my waist.

"This is so cute." I said

"I know right."

We grabbed the kids out the bed and strapped them in the seat belt . We got inside the car and followed RJ to my condo.


We arrived at the huge complex. The kids woke up when we parked into the parking lot.  We got out the car and followed RJ inside the elevator.

My condo is on the fifith floor . When we arrived on the fifth floor and he directed us to the room . He unlocked the door and opened the door. Everything was red white and black. It was gorgeous. He showed Baby Tay his room. It was decent looking, Baby Tay, he loves basketball. I had stairs going up leading me to my room and one guest bed room .

The whole condo was perfect. Downstairs is Baby Tay room and a guest room with two bathrooms, upstairs is my room with a bathroom inside my room, a guest bedroom, one hall bathroom, there's a game systems in a little small room, downstairs is a living room.

"This was the most expensive condo." RJ said

"Thank you very much. I really appreciate this." I said hugging him

He had to get back home, he told us goodbye and left .

"Baby Tay go run and get in the shower. When I come into your room you better be in the bed, because tomorrow I'm enrolling you into school."i ordered

"Yes ma'am. " he said

He took off running, I looked at Demontay who was holding Ayana bridal style.

"Baby go home and get some sleep." I said

He pecked my lips twice, and bent down so I can kiss Ayana I kissed her cheek.

"Bye mom." She said sleepy

"Don't let her go to bed without letting her take a shower Montay." I said

"I won't. " he said

I walked him to the door and kissed his lips again and he left.

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