Chapter 19

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Ayana POV

4 months later

After the incident, everything went back to normal. My ass finna pop, this big head ass baby. Me and Adrian are officially together, for 4 months. I think I'm falling in love with him.

School already ended, and me and Baby Tay already graduated. Tay has many scholarships from different colleges. I don't want him to leave me.  Imma cry my eyes out. 

I practically live with Adrian, he makes me so happy. He takes care of me and treats me like a queen.  Today we're supposed to meet his parents and his family. They're having a family get together.

"Baby can you help me paint my toes " i asked

Adrian picked me up and sat me at the foot of the bed.  He grabbed my feet and the nail polish and begin to polish my toes. We was laughing and joking around while he was painting my toes. It's very rare when we have arguments.

After my toes dried, I took a quick shower and placed on my outfit on .

"Babe you ready?" Adrian said coming into the room

"Yeah let's go" I said grabbing my purse.


We arrived at a two story house. He got out and jogged to my side and helped me out the car . We walked up to the porch, well I wobbled up to the porch. He knocked and a girl that looks 14 opened the door.

"Hi Adrian" she said lowly

"Wassup Nayla how are you?" He said hugging her

"I'm fine" she said

"Yaya this is my little cousin Nayla, Nayla this is my girlfriend Ayana." He said

"You can call me Yaya" I said hugging her

"Can I touch?" She asked

I nodded my head and she touched my hand, then jumped

"It kicked" she smiled

I smiled and chuckled

"Is it a boy or girl" she asked letting us in

"I didn't want to know. I want to wait until I have it, to know the gender." I said intertwining me and Adrian fingers

"You're beautiful" she said

"You are very beautiful yourself Nayla" I said

She blushed and shook her head no

"No I'm not" she frowned

I furrowed my eyebrows

"Nayla you are very gorgeous. Don't let anyone tell you any different" Adrian said

"Thanks, I guess" she said lowly .

We walked into the living where everyone was sitting around, either playing the game or eating .

"Hey everybody" Adrian said

Everyone looked our way.

"Adrian. Baby hey son!" I'm guessing his mother said.

She ran and hugged him

"Hey mommy" he said hugging her tightly

He's a mama's boy. I can already tell.

"Who is this beautiful girl?" She asked

"Mama this is my girlfriend Ayana, Ayana this my mama Tameka" he said grabbing my hand

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