Chapter 16

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Morning ☀

Ring Ring Ring

I groaned and grabbed my phone .

"Hello" i said

"Hey babygirl" my father voice said through the phone

"Hey daddy" i said getting out the bed

"What you doing"

"Finna get ready for school" i said walking into my closet

"Oh okay.  How is everything down there"

"It's cool. Everything is decent . "

"Alright . I'm just checking on y'all. I gotta go Love you. Tell my son I said wassup "

"Alright daddy . Love you too . Tell momma i said i love her . "

"Okay byebye"


We hung up. I walked out the closet with my outfit. I had picked out a mid-thigh sundress it was orange pink yellow and white . I had pick out my white strap  on white sandals.  I laid everything on the bed and walked my room.

"TAY" i yelled

No Answer


I heard a loud thud . Then the shower started running.  I heard my phone ring, i ran back into my room and answered the phone

"Hello" i said

"Goodmorning beautiful " Adrian sleepy voice sounded through the phone

"Goodmorning What you doing" i said

"Laying down . Bored , what you doing"

"Finna take a shower" i said walking to the closet

"Getting ready for school?"


"Wanna chill with me and my brothers and homeboys after school" he said

"Yeah sure . "

"I'll pick you up after school. Mami" he said

"Okaay . I'll call you later. Go back to sleep"


Just in case y'all wondering. Adrian already graduated. He's a freshman in college.





"Adrian where are you. My ankles hurt" i screamed into the phone

"Chill Ma, I'm right behind you. " he said

I turned around and he was in a red Toyota truck and a few boys inside.

I wobbled to the car and opened the passenger seat.

"Can you please get out this seat . So I can sit my fat ass down" i said

"There's room in the back" the boy said

"Oooh lord . I went to church yesterday and got delivered but we may have our days and today isn't my day. Okay SIR, get your mother fucking ass out this dame seat so I can sit the fuck down . My fucking ankles hurt and my thighs are sweating . If you don't hop your ass out this seat I will kill you" i said

The boys in the back started laughing and Adrian was laughing too.

"Fuck it . I'm walking home" i turned around and started walking home.

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