Chapter 11

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Word Count: 1011

My legs swung back and forth on the sides of the branch I was sitting on. Persephone and I had spent the day in her garden together. She had been tending to all of the different plants all day as I watched her.

The first thing she had done was grow a large oak tree. It was the only thing in her garden that couldn't kill me in some way. I was grateful that she had given me a way to keep myself entertained once she noticed my boredom.

I'd told her about how when I was little my family had this huge oak tree out front. With winding branches that me and my siblings and friends would spend hours climbing. That's when she had placed her hands on the ground and grew this.

I was surprised she had placed it within her own garden. A private place she had created for herself and only let the ones closest to her see. And so far she had continued to share it with me every day.

"When was the last time you've talked to Thanatos," Persephone called up to me, snapping me out of my daze.

I paused to think about it. It had been awhile since I'd seen him much less talked to him. Usually he would just give me a small smile when we passed each other in the halls. "The last time I actually talked to him was probably about a week ago. A day or two after I first got here."

She stopped what she was doing and glanced up at me. Her mouth was set in a frown and she looked frustrated. "Then when was the last time you saw him?" Her voice was still gentle and kind.

"Three days ago, we passed each other in the hall. I haven't even seen him in our room," she didn't look so happy when I told her that.

"You stay here," she told me, quickly standing up and leaving the garden, "I'll be back in a minute."

She hurried off without saying anything else. Leaving me to be by myself once again. Now I can see why everyone thinks Hades kidnapped Persephone and forced her to stay here.

The Underworld was a lonely place.

Usually I wouldn't mind being alone. More often than not a actually enjoyed being alone. But lately I've been alone so much that I don't even feel like a human anymore. Instead, I've fallen in to just a simple day to day routine.

Wake up, spend the day alone with my thoughts, sleep and then repeat.

"Hello again little mortal."

I startled and slipped off of the branch I had been sitting on. My heart felt like it stopped beating as I fell to the ground. I landed on my arm and knew from the jolt of pain it was probably broken.

"You know the hunt isn't fun for a lion when it's prey is an injured gazelle."

Hypnos voice was a bored drawl. It was fitting I guess that he always seemed to be tired. Maybe that or he really was bored.

"Look at you. A weak, injured, little mortal without her big scary boyfriend and his friends to save her. Whatever will she do?"

"What do you want," I yelled at him, hoping and praying that someone could hear me. "Why won't you just leave me alone!"

"Oh you stupid little human. I could care less about you. If I had things my way you would already be dead by now. But that wouldn't be any fun now would it.

No. I need you as my little chess piece, a worthless little pawn."

"What do you have against me?" I didn't understand what he was saying. He only seemed to speak in riddles. Dangling the meaning right in front of my face but twisting the words around.

"I need you so I can get to my brother. The only reason your still alive and breathing is so that he can become more attached to you. That way when I do finally kill you he'll be in much more pain than he would if I were to kill you now."

Slowly he crept up towards me, like a lion stalking its prey. He moved gracefully and slowly. It was obvious who had the upper hand here. But regardless I used my right arm to sit up and then cradled my left arm with it.

There was the sound of doors being thrown open behind me and I turned around to see Thanatos.

"Hypnos," his tone was full of anger and his eyes were filled with rage.

Hypnos let out a heavy sigh and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Dear brother, don't you know your supposed to let the villain finish telling the damsel in distress their evil plan before you burst in and save her."

Thanatos ran over to me and crouched down. He immediately noticed the way I was holding my arm and grimaced. "I'm so sorry love. I promise you that he's never going to hurt you again." His voice was full of sincerity but it didn't las long once he turned to Hypnos.

Persephone came running into the garden and crouched beside me in Thanatos' place. "Persephone, get her out of here. Okay?"

She nodded even though he wasn't facing us and then helped me up. "We'll get Apollo to fix you arm. You'll be better in no time I promise."

Everyone kept promising that I would be all right. But the surprising thing was that I really wasn't scared. I wasn't in pain either because the adrenaline running through my veins was still acting as a pain reliever. It wouldn't last forever though. As soon as I was alone again common sense would hit me like a brick. Then I would realize how scared I truly should be.

There was a shout of pain from behind us in the garden. I wasn't quite sure who it belonged to. And at the moment, I really couldn't bring myself to care.



So I know that this was a bit of a short chapter but the next ones gonna be really long. Plus I didn't want to start a part of the plot that would drag this chapter out to much. In fact the next chapter I have planned may be broken up into two depending on just how long it is.

Also Thanatos is now ranked #3 in Greek and has 500+ reads and I'm so excited. We've also almost hit 100 followers! Thank all of you so much you guys mean the world to me.

As always let me know what you guys think and I'll see you bookworms in the next chapter <3!

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