chapter 6:Members of the church please rise

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The next day

Mara was currently getting dressed and packing for anything that her daughter might need for there trip into town,and to the park.

The only reason they were going was to get Pandora out of the house because the most trusted members of the church of night were coming over,and they didn't need to be distracted by her presence.

Once Mara was dressed and she had everything packed she moved to her daughter's room to get her ready.

Once Mara was dressed and she had everything packed she moved to her daughter's room to get her ready

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Mara outfit and the bag she packed everything in.

Mara walked to her daughter's bedroom and did not find Cain who was usually standing in front of the door,but this time the door was slightly ajar.She walked in to find Cain had already woken up Pandora,and they were waiting on her.

"Morning mama Cain said that we're going to the park today."Pandora said with such a big smile that Mara couldn't help but smile back.

"That we are and if you're good while we're in town we could get some ice-cream."

"Yay is everyone coming with us."

Mara's smile diminished a bit.

"Uh no Uncle Gage and Aunty Nite are going to stay here."

Pandora noticed her mother's smile dropped a bit.

"How come the're not coming with."Pandora asked curious as ever.

"Cain you mind?"Mara asked wanting to talk to her daughter alone.

Cain gave a simple nod of his head and left the room closing the door behind him.Mara looked at her daughter trying to figure out on how to give her the news,and not scare her.With a sigh she walked over sat on the floor and pat the spot in front of her signaling for Pandora to sit there,and she did criss cross waiting for her mother to start for what it seemed like a important talk.

"Little gift you know how me your Uncle Gage,Aunty Nite,and Cain told you that you're more of a special witch,and that bad people would want to do bad things to you,and would want to harm you."

When Pandora nodded that she understood Mara took that as a sign to continue wording her words carefully.

"Well there is someone that wants to harm you for your magic."

"Oh who is it?"

"A lady that is related to your father,and until we ki...I mean catch her we're going to have to be careful with the things we do outside of the house,and the church of night."

When Mara was done Pandora just got up and walked over to her mother and gave her a hug.

"It's ok mama I'm not scared cause I know that you'll protect me always."

Mara hugged Pandora back now more determined than ever to kill Dahlia.

After a while Mara had Pandora ready for the park,and those who will be staying at home for the meeting were Cain,Nite,and Gage.The Mikaelsons and Hayley should not be there since they're affiliated with nature witches.

This part of the story will be split into two parts one where it shows the meeting between the most trusted members of the church with Cain,Aconite,and Gage.The other will be Mara,Pandora,the Mikaelsons,and Hayley at the park.and sorry that this chapter is so short

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