Chapter Four

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"It was a mistake", you said.
But the cruel thing was,
it felt like the mistake was mine,
for trusting you.

–David Levithan

Fortunately and unfortunately for me, I didn't appear on the Ares table. I would've preferred to land on any table beside the Athena table. Ares being my second choice to not land on.

But, of course, the fates hate me, so I landed right in Malcolm Pace's food. He just stared at my black boots that were crushing his burger.

All of Athena's kids looked up at me. Luke was in a similar situation to mine. The only difference is that the victims of Luke's shoes were his half-siblings.

The rest of the army appeared right next to the tables instead of on them. Needless to say, I envied them.

Dozens of stormy gray eyes were on me. Some angry, some confused, some upset I had ruined their dinner. However, among those eyes, I didn't see Annabeth's. I almost sighed in relief.

Chiron rose from his wheelchair and into centaur form. He hadn't changed much during the time I was gone. The only difference I found was the more prominent bags under his eyes.

"Would you," he cleared his throat, "get down from tables? As kind as Athena's children try to be, they can kill you several different ways only using a chicken wing. Hermes cabin will just pick your pockets."

After stepping down from Athena's table, I looked over to Luke. He held out his palm to one of the Hermes kids; Connor Stoll. Connor reluctantly gave Luke his wallet back.

I mind messaged the army to get in formation. The formation had the shape of a pyramid: Me in front, Luke and Bianca in the middle row, Silena, Zoë, and Beckendorf in the back.

"I'm assuming you six are the warriors the gods asked Chaos sent to assist us in the war?" Chiron asked. Every single one of the campers' heads snapped in our direction.

"War?" Someone called out. The campers began to freak out. Many of the cabin counselors tried to get the younger campers to calm down, but even they were in a panic.

The only camper who remained completely calm was a kid at a table, alone. His back faced my direction so I couldn't see his face. Only a mop of messy black hair.

Judging from the back of him, he was a young teen. Maybe thirteen or fourteen years old. He wore a camp t-shirt and black running shorts.

"I take it that the gods asked you to withhold this information from the campers?" Zoë inquired.

"No," Chiron answered. "They just iris-messaged me a few moments ago. I was about to talk about the war and about warriors coming to help us. That's you, I presume?"

The pavilion went silent. I realized my army was waiting for me to explain. Instead of answering, I grumbled under my breath and walked into the forest to set up where we would be staying.

"What is wrong him?" I heard Chiron ask from a distance. My back turned to them. I walked further and further until their voices were soundless whispers.

3rd Person POV

"What is wrong him?" Chiron asked after Omega walked away. The centaur didn't know any of the warriors' names yet. Therefore, he could only refer to them as their assumed gender.

Alpha, or Luke, had to be cautious around the campers and Chiron. He knew they had forgiven him for serving Kronos, however, it didn't stop his guilt.

Originally the group agreed on switching off with what they were saying. But they quickly remembered the older campers would recognize a lot of there voices. As second and first in command, Alpha and Omega were going to do most of the speaking. Star/Zoë would fill in more sensitive details. In the 125 years she lived on Chaos's planet, she learned to speak modern English.

She sighed and looked at the centaur. "Commander isn't exactly the most sociable person. Very closed off when it comes to his emotions. He's here by duty, not by choice. Anyways, yes we are Chaos's warriors. Highest division, Elite."

"I see," Chiron said. "What are your names?"

Luke/Alpha cleared his throat, gaining Chiron's attention. "We would prefer not to go by our names. Commander and Chaos told us we could reveal ourselves at any time, but not until you've earned our trust and we earned yours in return."

"Earn your trust," the boy with the messy black hair scoffed. His back still faced the army. "I can't even get my parent to claim me. How am I gonna earn yours if I don't even know your name?"

"We do not speak that way to visitors." Chiron scolded the black haired boy. The teenaged boy turned to Chiron with a troublemaker-smirk on this face. The rest of the army was laughing.

"I like this kid! He's like the younger version of our commander!" Luke shouted with humor. He walked over to the boy and looked right into his stormy gray eyes. "What's your name, kid?"

The boy flashed Luke a lopsided grin. One so similar to how Percy's used to be, you would've thought it was Percy's reincarnate.

"The name's Parker. What's yours?"

A/N: I don't know what to put here.

Count Word: 895 words

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