Chapter Five

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Stab the body and it heals, but injure
the heart and the wound lasts a lifetime.

–Mineko Iwasaki

I just couldn't do it. Stand in front of my old teacher and pretend everything was fine. I knew he was at the campfire that night. I knew he was cheering along.

Using the powers Chaos had given me after I became commander, I created the cabin the army members, including me, would be staying in. From the outside, it seemed like a regular Camp Half-Blood cabin, but on it inside, it was a four-floored mansion.

On the first level, it had the living room, kitchen, and my office (being the leader and Chaos's son meant I always needed a location to do work and talk to him through MM: Mind Messaging. Similar to Iris messaging but more advanced.) The second floor contained weapons and a spot for the army to train. On the top floor, it held most of the army's bedrooms: Beauty and Forge's room, Alpha's room, Star's room, and Shadow's room. The last floor was the basement, which held my room. I still had nightmares from Tartarus, despite being Elite's Commander for over a century, and didn't need anybody knowing about them.

Suddenly, the army came busting through the door like it wasn't even there.

"What in Chaos's name is your problem, Omega? I mean, what the heck!" Luke shouted, voicing the question I'm assuming the rest of the army was wondering.

I looked at the door and back at Luke like he had grown two heads. "Did you just break my door and then ask me what my problem was? Trust me, I'm not the one with the problem. That's all you."

The rest of the army tried to hold serious faces, but couldn't seem to do it. Zoë's lips kept twitching upwards. Silena's hand covered her mouth. Beckendorf straight up had to leave the cabin since he couldn't control his laughter. Bianca's head was down, trying to hide her smile.

Luke ignored me. "I thought we agreed that I would do some of the talking and then you would do the rest. But instead, your grumpy ass walked off!"

"Do you even see what I did here?" I asked gesturing to the cabin.

Zoë came up to Luke and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Let's calm down a little, yeah? Alpha,  it's a little hard for all of us to be here right now. Especially Omega since he left more recently."

"Thanks Star," I flashed Zoë a grateful look before clearing my throat. "I'm going to head out for a little. If you guys have noticed, camp has changed a lot."

With that, I left the cabin. They let me go because Camp Half-Blood had indeed changed... since they had last been here. Camp for me was exactly the same aside from a few upgrades and an extra cabin for the unclaimed.

I walked around, aimlessly, until I found myself the the beach. The actual beach hadn't changed, only the sea. Which had become a murky brown instead of my eye color.

"Awful, isn't it?" A voice asked from behind me.

My back had been facing the person, so I had to turn around to see them. I recognized him as the kid who sat alone at the dining pavilion.

His grey eyes widened slightly when he realized who I was. "I'm sorry if I disturbed you. No offense, but I thought you were Alpha."

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