02 | I wanna touch it

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I slightly stared at the man that was in the doorway as I tried to see if my assumption was true.

'Yep! Perverted book. Spiky Greg hair and a mask. Its Kakashi Hatake alright.'

I almost chuckled at my own thoughts as Kakashi looked at the students.
"My opinion of you guys are..... I hate you."
He said bluntly as a dark aura sourounded the others. I almost cracked out laughing. He soon told us to meet him on the roof which I nodded to and moved my hands from behind my head before standing up while jumping out the window and waving them off before heading to where we were told to meet out new Sensei.

{Sakura's P.O.V}

Sakura: wow I didn't think Author-chan would give me a POV hehe~

Me: don't put 'chan' at the end of my name. I hate it just as much as Haru does -3-.

Sakura: who now?


I watched as (F/N) jumped out of the window after sending a small wave towards us. He seemed like a very nice guy.
And HeS EnCrEdIbLy CuTe!!!

SAKURA YOU BELONG TO SASUKE! You can't get feeling for another boy you just met. Anyways someone like him is obvious to have a girlfriend already.

I then shook my head of the thoughts as I made my way to the roof.

{F/N P.O.V}

I attod there with my back leaned against the wall as Kakashi 'poofed' put of no where. I looked at him as I sat down next to that Sakura girl. I took a quick glance at her and was imeidiatly intrigued by her hair.

'I can't believe I didn't notice her odd hair colour before....
I wanna touch it. I don't know why. But I do'

Kakashi started to speak about how we should introduce ourselves. Sakura then spoke.
"But sensei. Should you introduce yourself first?"
She suggested as I didn't really listen because I knew almost everything you bout him anyways.
"All he told us was his name."
She mummbled as Kakashi told Naruto to speak.
He was rambling on about Ramen and becoming Hokage.
The Hokage part.
I can go with that.
But boy did he have a ramen eddiction.

Next was Sakura. All she didn't was sqeel about a certain someone. I slightly glared at the raven haired male as I then mentally slaped myself for being a jealous prick.

It was then Sasukes turn. He was being all emo again.

"Sasuke bro. Your Emo is showing."
I stated with a smirk as he glared at me again while Kakashi pointed at me.
"Now you."
He said as I scratched the nape of my neck to think of what to say.
"As you wish Kashi-sensei. My name is (F/N) Omori. I like to gather info and (other likes). In a way I hate nothing. I'm cool with most people. Unless (something you dislike) counts as a 'hate' I guess. And dreams for the future?
This might not sound like something a kid would say but I want to become strong so I can protect those that are close to me in the future."

I said as I inhaled and exhaled slowly. I was sorta tired. but after all of Naruto's ramen talk I was in the mood for ramen tonight. Kakashi was rambling about the survival test we were going to do. I knew what this test was so I was definitely eating tomorrow. He soon 'poofed' away.

I hope you liked the second chapter. Sorry that its short. SCHOOL SUCKS 😭.But I'll try and post as much chapters as I can.

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