03 | Well today was interesting...

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OK so this is how I see reader-kun. I did this fanart myself.
My fingers hurt ;-; lmao. He doesn't have to look like this. I mainly just wanted to do the outfit lol. I put him in that stance cuz at the time I was listening to 'hit or miss'. DON'T JUDGE MEH!
Anyways hope you enjoy this chapter MaH GuY!

Y/N p.o.v

I was now laying in my bed in my pajama clothing. I was looking at the roof getting to process what has happened today. I sighed and closed my eyes drifting off into a deep peaceful sleep.
I haven't slept this peacefully for ages.....

I wonder why.....

• • •
>>Timu Skipu<<

I heard my alarm go off once again.
I slapped it once again before jumping out of bed and stretching my arms.
I groaned before heading to my kitchen to have (f/f) (favorite food) for breakfast.

"Sksksks knowing Kakashi he's going to be late so no rush eh?"
I said to no one but myself as I began to get dressed in my usual clothing. I put my weapons pouch on my leg before heading out while shoving my hands in my pocket while munching on a piece of poky I've gotten from my secret stash I keep hidden in my pouch.

• • •
>>small time Skipu<<

I had just made it to the training grounds as I sawsome familiar looking genin. I walked over and gave a slight wave.
Was all I said before Sakura-chan and Naruto started yelling at me.
I snickered.
"Well. I'm not late cuz Kakashi isn't here yet."
Naruto poured as Sakura-chan sighed before we saw a 'poof'

'Lmao just when I come here too.'

I thought as the two genin started yelling at him while he just answers with his usual excuses.
Moments later I sat down next to Sakura as Kakashi started to talk about the bell teat.
"All you have to do is get these bells off me. U can use any weapons including shuriken, u must come at me with the intent to kill."
He explained. Yet I already knew the rules.

"Alrightio , Kakashi."
I stated standing up and putting my hands behind my head. He game me a questioning look because I wasn't usingf 'sensei' after his name.
"I won't be calling you sensei until you,teacxh me something that will help me in the long run. "
I explained as the others stood up. Naruto suddenly ran at Kakashi as kakashi put a kunai to his head.
"Calm down. I didn't say start yet."

"Sksksks actually u have said it twice now...."
I snickered not wanting anyone to hear. The next moment kakashi said.
Before 'poof'ing away once more. We all scattered to take shelter.......

.....except for Naruto .......

I sighed as naruto gave him one of the funniest insults I have ever heard.
It was extremely hard just for me to,hold in my laugh. I was about to jump out and help him before he used his shadow clones to take an advantage... Sorta.
I ran through the trees to find someone else as I came across Sakura-chan.

"Hey Sakura! I know what this is about we have to t-"
I whisper yelled before she cut me off.

"I sorry Y/N I have to find Sasuke."
She said before jumping off. I pouted.


I sighed as I followed her in hopes to find the duckbbutt boy. To my amusement I saw the raven haired male underground with only his head visible. Sakura let out a scream before fainting as I freaked out and caught her. I looked at Sasuke with a smirk .
"Rough day?"
He just scoffed and looked away. I moved my available hand towards the middle of my face as I started to do one hand hand signs.

"Earth Style:Earthquake jitsu!"
I yelled before placing my hand on the ground causing it to crack.
I looked at Sasuke as he stood up on the ground.
"Hey saucy-gay! We need to work together to get the bells!"
He looked away from me as he spoke some emo shit about being an avenger. I sighed as the bell for the test rang causing the pinkette in my grip to stir away. I looked down at her as my expression soften.
"You alright there? You suddenly fainted out of nowhere."
I asked her concerned as she noticed I was holding her from falling and blushed a crimson red.

"Y-y-yeah. I-im fine."
She studdered.

Sakura P.O.V


I tried to move out of his grip as said boy let go of my waist, causing a large amount of heat to be lost. I sorta liked that feeling actually. For a second there I had turned into a Hinata 2.0.
I looked at his face and saw a hint of.
I stared at his E/C for a bit before noticing that I've been staring before turning on my heal and running over to the others.


A few moments after I was sitting with the others whilist eating my lunch. While Naruto was tied to a log.
Wonder what happened?
Don't ask....

I suddenly hear the blondes stomach growl. I sighed as Sasuke and Sakura were handing their lunches to him. I taped her shoulder and lightly blushed as I pushed my lunch towards her.
She shook her head and said something about being on a diet. I was hungry but she needed it more. I wasn't going to take no for an answer.

I taped her shoulder again as she looked at me before I put some of the food in her mouth. Sh blushed a bit but never less ate it anyways. We then jump as we see Kakashi with a dark aura and lightning and thunder.
"You broke the rules! You.......


Everyone looked shocked as he continued while looking at the sky.
"Those who disobey the rules are scum.
But those who abandon their friends are worst then scum..."

Naruto was almost in tears as I smiled.
"Now that's cool, Kakashi-sensei."
I said as he gave me a closed eye smile. We started to walk off as I untied Naruto from the post.

Well today was interesting......

Heyo! This is the 3rd chapter lmao.
Idk what to say ._.
OK bye!

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