06 | Night Night

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'Something is going on here.'

Seconds after that thought raced through my head two ninjas came out of the puddle. Kakashi-Sensei got---- SHREDDED TO FUCKING PIECES!!!!!!


I yelled while being struck by the scene I just witnessed. I've seen worse BUT THIS IS MY SENSEI DAMMIT!
We had to protect the bridge builder. That's what matters right now. I looked at Sasuke and he looked at me as we nodded. I rushed over to where Sakura was as Sasuke went to fight off the ninjas.

My Jutsu was more appropriate for defence anyways. I then started to preform hand signs but before I could finish with hare one of thee ninjas made it out way.
'Dammit I don't have time!'
So I jumped in front of Sakura and closed my eyes ready for what is coming.
It never came though.

I opened my eyes to see Kashi-Sensei with the two ninjas nocked unconscious. My eyes widened.
"What did I tell you about calling me that...💧"

It wasn't long after before Kashi-Sensei was....in a way.... Interrogating the bridge builder geezer.

I looked towards Naruto to see his hand bleeding.
Kashi-Sensei soon rushed over.
He sighed while checking Narutos hand. He was talking about how the blades had poison. I checked myself to see a giant gush on my leg.
"Oh shiiiiiieeettttt...."
Was all I said before falling down to the ground.
Everything hurt. I couldn't even feel my fingers as I tried to move Them.

Sakura P.O.V

I heard a thump. I looked towards where the sound came from to see (Y/N) weakly lying on the ground with his fingers twitching.
I yelled rushing over to him.
I held his hand tightly to see if he would respond as a sign that he was still alive. His hand clutched mine. The fact that he was alive made me so happy.

Your P.O.V

I held Sakuras hand back while I tried to stay awake. It was unbearable at this point as sleep slowly started taking over me.
"Welp. Night night."
Was all I was able to say before passing out.....


Oof I'm not impressed with this chapter at all I could of done better to be honest lol.

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