08 | SAVED

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Since no one decided that it was actually important to choose I chose my own path to go ._.


OK....so......I blacked out...
Oof I feel like I'm moving around....what the fuck.

I open my eyes to see that I'm being carried by a big ass doggo.
Its confirmed.
I'm VERY confused right now.

The doggo noticed me moving around as he looked towards a smaller dog who looked pug like. They looked towards me.

" kiddo your awake. I bet your hella confused right now-"


"-So I'll just tell you what's happening. But we still gotta hurry. I'm pukkun, and at the moment the slash on your leg is spreading dangerous poison so don't .move. We are going as fast as we can back to Konoha so we can get the poison out. That's all imma say, we are nearly there."

Just as he said that I felt a bit drowsy. So I closed my eyes to let sleep take over me once again.


Although it felt like forever, about twenty minutes later we arrived at Konoha and the dogs took me to the hospital.
The recovery girl better be nice...

I had just woken up not so long ago as I am transfered to a room on a stretcher. Multiple medical nijas and such rushed through the door while I struggled to keep my eyes open.
"Young man we need you to relax as we remove the poison."
The main medical ninja said to me. I nodded and let out a deep sigh , the took that as a signal as my leg fell like it was being SUCKED BY EVERY DROP OF BLOOD IN MY BEING!!

I bit my cheek to keep in my screams. Yeah I was now a ninja BUT THIS REALLY HURT LIKE WHOLEY FUCKIMOLY!!!

Everything was all a blur due to the pain I was experiencing. I was more focused on how much my leg hurt then the time. So what could of been forty minutes felt like five as the medical ninja made relieved sighs and shuffled out of the room.

Why did this have to happen to me. On my first good mission too. Darn it. Pukkun and the other doggo would be gone by now wouldn't they, and I'll be off missions for a while.
I did a long sigh.
"Imma just, die here out of boredom-"

Before I knew it a pretty girl with short blueish-black hair burst through the door stumbling with a dog like boy coming in straight after.
"YO WUDDUP! You must be that new kid! We got news that your gonna be hanging out with our squad when your ready."
The dog boy spoke.
"Y-y-yeah. S-Shino I-i-is just outside y-your room. H-he said th-that there i-is bug repellent in h-here."
The pretty girl spoke.

I nodded in response.
"Yeah I'm [Y/N] Omori. Nice to meet ya."

The dog boy pointed to himself then towards the shy female.
"I'm akiba Inazuka! This here is Hinata Hyhga."

• • •

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