3. did it hurt?

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"Can we please not discuss this right now?"

"Harry darling I just want you to tell me who it is! What are they like?" my mum asked eagerly.

"I don't know what you're talking about," I lied. I shifted on my bed uncomfortably as she stepped further into my room.

"Honey, I saw your little drawing and even upside down I could tell it was a person. You always do this when you have a crush so-"

"Mum I swear it's nothing okay? Don't worry about it." I had my sketchbook protectively clutched to my chest. My mum had walked into my room to wake me for breakfast as I had been drawing a picture of Louis with hearts all around it. Yes, I am a seventeen year-old and yes I still do things like that. What can I say, I like art, and Louis surely was a work of art in my eyes.

She sat herself down beside me on the bed and placed a hand on my arm. "Harry there's no need to be shy. I just like knowing what's going on in your life." I looked down at the book in my hands. "If you really don't want to tell me, then-"

"His name's Louis," I blurted quickly, looking up at her. She smiled immediately, crossing her legs and turning her whole body towards me.

"Ooo tell me more."

"Um . . . okay, well, I met him at the library two days ago. He came in to get a book for his mum. I think he's new in town 'cause I've never seen him at school. Anyway, he was really loud and super friendly. I know it's stupid because I've known him for like, five seconds, but I like him a lot. He's just . . . he's really cute. And yesterday, he did this thing, like, he got really close to me and just stood there staring into my eyes and I don't know what he was doing but it just felt like I couldn't breathe and . . ." I trailed off, embarrassed that I'd just said all of that. I talked to my mom about everything, but I usually left my dumb school-boy crushes out of it.

"Is your drawing accurate?" she asked, reaching for my sketchbook. Reluctantly I let her take it, and watched as she flipped to the bookmarked page. Her eyes softened and a small smile appeared on her lips. She sighed.


"Harry, he's beautiful." I blushed and looked away, biting my lip to hold back my grin.


"I don't want to get too involved, but, he might like you too. You never know," my mum suggested. I shook my head aggressively.

"No. No way. He'd never like me. Absolutely not," I argued. I knew Louis didn't like me as more than a friend, maybe even just an acquaintance at this point, and I didn't want my mum to get my hopes up.

She chuckled, shaking her head before standing up and heading to the door. "If you insist. I made pancakes, they're in the kitchen whenever you feel like it."

"Thanks mum. Love you."


It was a little cooler outside today, so I was wearing a crewneck and black skinny jeans. I loved this weather, because I got to wear all my favourite outfits. If it was too hot I had to compromise for something lighter.

I walked into the seemingly empty library and said hello to Linda before moving towards my corner. It was the same routine day after day but I enjoyed it all the same.

I stepped past the last shelf and nearly screamed.

"Oh my god, Louis! You scared me. I thought no one else was here." He was sat in the exact place I go to read every day, The Hobbit rested on his knees as he held it open with both hands.

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