5. oh screw it

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"What are you doing?"

He had stopped in his tracks and bent down to peer at the sidewalk. I stood above him staring blankly, completely confused.

"Look." He grabbed my hand and yanked me down so I was crouched next to him. I directed my gaze to what he was staring at and shrieked.

"Oh my god! Louis!" I stumbled backward, brushing at my clothes frantically. In the time I had bent down he had scooped up a spider and then thrown it at my face.

He threw his head back with laughter as he stood up and walked over to me, his arms wide open.

"Aw, I'm sorry Harry," he said between giggles.

"No. Get away from me!" I said, backing away with my hand held out in front of me.

"Come on, gimme a hug!"

"You threw a spider at me! I'll never hug you! Never!" I shouted, a smile creeping onto my face. Louis huffed as he gave up and dropped his arms to his sides.

It didn't take long for us to reach my house, and when we arrived at the front door I paused, attempting to mentally prepare myself for whatever would happen once we went inside.

After only a brief moment I pushed the door open and stepped in, Louis following behind.

"Mum, I'm back," I called. She knew Louis was coming over, and to say she was excited would be an understatement. My mum always got way too invested in getting to know anyone who I even remotely fancied.

I untied the laces of my converse and watched as Louis did the same with his Vans. I pointed to where he could put them, and he gently placed them down next to mine.

I was about to call for my mum again when she appeared from the kitchen.

"Oh, hi! You must be Louis," she said, smiling as she held out her hand. He took it and shook it gently.

"Thanks for having me over, um-"

"Anne, you can call me Anne, sweetheart."

Louis smiled timidly and I gazed at him in awe. This was the first time I'd ever seen him be anything but loud and almost too forward. He seemed nervous, as if he worried my mum wouldn't like him.

"So, we're probably just gonna hang out in my room," I explained.

"Okay well I'm going out in a few minutes for some drinks and then to see a movie with some friends. It's that new horror film I've been dying to see." I simply nodded in response. "Anyway I left some money so you two can order pizza whenever you'd like, and Louis you can stay as late as you want, it's alright with me."

"Thanks, mum," I said quietly. I then lead Louis up the large staircase and down the hall to my room. We lived in a two story house, but neither floor was very large. The second floor was really just my room and the bathroom.

Once Louis and I were in my room I swung the door shut and traipsed over to my bed. I sat myself down on it and flopped onto my back letting out a sigh.

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