8. because i know

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I stood leant against the check out counter as Linda stared up at me from her seat. Her computer was powering on for the morning, but it always took a while so I figured I had a few minutes of her attention.

"So you said . . ."

"I love you," I groaned as I dropped my forehead onto the counter.

"For real?"

"Yes for real Linda! I didn't mean to!"

"It sounds to me like you paused to think it through before you said it."

I lifted my head sharply. "I was just confused okay! I was mad and I was just saying random things to get back at him. I honestly just wanted to make him feel bad when I said it. I obviously didn't mean it!"

"How is he supposed to know that?" she said throwing her arms in the air. "You said it, and then you walked out and proceeded to ignore him for over a week."

I sighed, placing my head in my hands once more. It was true. Harry had texted, called, and even showed up at my house one time. And every time it was ignore, ignore, get my sister to tell him I wasn't home.

It was pathetic. I was pathetic. The whole bloody situation was pathetic and I hated it. I missed him with my whole heart. He had become my best friend, and I wanted more than anything to run to his house and hug him as tightly as I possibly could. But I couldn't. Nothing, not even my intense emotions, changed the fact that he had yelled at me, and it hurt. It hurt so bad because the truth was that all I wanted was to spend every waking minute of the fading summer with him.

I would say he hadn't apologized, but hell, what sort of opportunity had I given him to do such a thing? I didn't read his texts. I ignored his endless voice messages. I shut him out completely despite the constant pain it brought to me.

Two weeks.

Two weeks was all I had left of summer, and then I had to go to a new school and meet new teachers and attempt to make new friends and try out for a new soccer team. Did I really want to spend my last two weeks of freedom alone, unable to talk to the one person I wanted to share every thought with?

Of course not. Who in their right mind would want that?

"Thinking, kid?" Linda asked. I looked at her as she typed away on her computer.

"Yeah, actually. I have to go. I'll see you later, Linda." And with that, I rushed out of the library without a glance back at the woman. I turned left instead of right when I reached the sidewalk. I wasn't going to my house.

I had to talk to Harry.

My thoughts were busy running a marathon inside my head as I took a few steps onto Harry's front porch. I paused, taking a deep breath. I hoped this went well. I hoped he didn't hate me. I hoped a lot of things, and while I was focused on hoping, a girl swung the door open.

"Hello? Oh my god, Louis!" she said excitedly. I jumped, having not been paying attention to the brunette stood before me. Her medium-length hair fell messily on her shoulders as if she had yet to brush it that morning. She was wearing black leggings and a large hoodie. In fact, I recognized the hoodie. Hell, I had worn that hoodie.

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