9. a massive yes

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The halls were buzzing with energy and I felt it coursing through my veins as I stood with my shoulder leant against my locker. I was waiting impatiently for the best part of the day.

"Harry, you're not listening to me," Niall complained.

"Sorry," I blinked, shaking my head and directing my eyes to him. "Keep going."

"Right, so we were stuck at the airport for like, five hours, because all of our phones were dead. Can you believe it? And my brother lost his charger, and mine was in my suitcase, so we-"

"Lads!" a voice called out as someone jumped onto my back. I instinctively wrapped my arms around the person's legs before turning my head to see who it was.

"Hey Zayn," I smiled. "How was Hawaii?"

"It was amazing, thanks! Look how tan I got!" He stretched out his arms on either side of my head.

"I don't see a difference," Niall teased. I took a step forward so Zayn could slap him across the face.

"Shut up you twat. How was Mexico?"

"Fan-freakin'-tastic," Niall responded sarcastically.

"Why what's wrong?" Zayn asked as he hopped down off my back. Niall groaned, shutting his locker and throwing his bag over his shoulders before beginning his airport disaster story once more.

I tuned out as we walked down the hall towards our first period class. We were lucky we all had very similar schedules. People pushed and shoved their way past us as we walked, and I tried to stay as close to the wall as possible, clutching my binder tightly to my side.

Despite it being my final year at this school, I still didn't know my way around. If it weren't for Niall leading the way I would have surely been lost, and ended up late for class.

It happened more than I'd care to admit.

When we reached our destination Zayn rushed in and sat himself down next to Liam. Liam was always early to class, and never missed a single day. That meant he always had the notes, and Zayn knew he needed him to make it through higher level biology. It was a smart decision on his part.

"Hey guys," Liam smiled. "I brought stuff back from New York but I left it in my locker. I'll get it at lunch, yeah?"

We all greeted him and did the whole "you didn't have to get us anything" speech while Niall and I sat down at the desk behind Zayn and Liam.

All of my friends had gone away for the summer with their families. And as far as they knew, I'd been alone for two whole months, just me and my books. I hadn't mentioned Louis yet. I wanted to surprise them somehow, but I hadn't come up with anything.

Zayn twisted around in his chair and leaned back towards me so he could whisper in my ear.

"Liam will share his notes right?"

"Why wouldn't he?"

"I don't think Liam's very fond of me."

"Zayn we've all been friends with him for six years. I think if he didn't like you he'd tell you," I whispered. Niall leaned in and nodded, having heard the conversation.

"If he does share his notes, you gotta give them to me too," Niall said and I rolled my eyes.

It was going to be a long morning.

- - - -

"I'll meet you in the cafeteria," Liam said before he scurried off to find his locker. We had third period together, but Zayn and Niall were elsewhere. I headed for the stairs and wandered down them, observing the people I passed as I walked.

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