6. i love rain

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I groaned and chucked my phone to the other side of the couch. Harry hadn't texted me all morning. I called him last night and we agreed he would come to my house today at three o'clock. It was now 3:30 and I hadn't received a single message.

I reached for the tv remote and turned on Netflix, going to continue the episode of The Office that I'd been in the middle of. I chuckled to myself as I watched, but I was still in a crappy mood. I'd been looking forward to seeing him, but I figured that wasn't going to happen.

A few hours passed, and I remained in my spot on the couch, a blanket slung over my legs, until there was a pounding on the door.

I jumped, turning my head to look outside, the sky now dark. I couldn't see who was there from where I was, but my heart began to race.

No one else is home. Oh god what if I'm about to be robbed? Or kidnapped?

My thoughts ran a mile a minute in my head as I pushed myself up slowly and walked over to the door, all the while the pounding continued. I took a deep breath, hoping that my mum had just forgotten the house-key when she took my sisters out, before reaching out and twisting the handle.

I swung the door open quickly, and someone lunged towards me. Without even thinking, I screamed, squeezing my eyes shut. Wow, self defence much?

I felt strong arms wrap around me, holding me extremely tightly. I swung my hands around aimlessly, terrified, until I realized what was happening as my senses kicked in and I began to think clearly.

"I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry," a soft voice repeated in my ear as my body relaxed and I rolled my eyes, wrapping my arms around his tall figure.

"Harry, for christ's sake, you scared the shit out of me," I said, stroking his hair as he continued to apologize. His hair was wet, and only then did I open my eyes and see the rain pouring down outside the door. "What's wrong, love?" I asked, making no move to pull away. My hands ran gently up and down his back in an attempt to comfort him which was quite ironic since he was the one who had just had me thinking I was about to be kidnapped.

"What do you mean what's wrong?" he argued as he pulled back so we were face to face. "I was supposed to be here hours ago! Aren't you mad?" He ran his hand through his hair, ruffling it a little, to get his damp curls out of his eyes.

"Well that depends. Is there a good reason?" I teased, crossing my arms.

"God, yes, there is. So what happened was, I leave my house at 2:30, right? Plenty of time to walk to your house. And then I think, oh I don't want to be super early, I'll stop and get us some cokes or something. So I head over to the corner store and I walk in and grab two little bottles of coke. Simple. But then-"

As he speaks I can't help the big smile that spreads across my face. I stand there listening to him intently as he tells his story, my hand on my chin as I try to hide the fondness I hold for this boy.

"Then when I get to the counter I realize I don't have any money! But the guy is ringing the stuff through and everything so I'm like 'Oh, sorry sir, I must've left my money at home' and I start walking over to put the drinks back. But the drink section is right by the door, so the guy just loses it, yelling at me, saying that I can't just take them without paying. So, long story short he made me stay there, and call my mum to get her to pick me up. Of course that took forever because she was in the middle of getting groceries. So yeah, that's why I didn't show up on time but I'm here now and- why are you laughing?"

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