7. you done yet?

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As the weeks went by, I felt summer coming to a close. I hated the anxious feeling I got knowing the next school year was creeping around the corner, despite the fact that I still had a few weeks of freedom left.

Louis and I hung out nearly every day, with the exception of family days on weekends. It really was turning out to be one of the best summers I'd ever had. To think, if it weren't for Louis I'd have spent every day alone at the library with only Linda to talk to.

I rubbed my eyes and stared down at my laptop, sighing aggressively. I had an essay due on the very first day of school, and I wanted to get it out of the way sooner than later. However, it seemed I couldn't write a single word to save my life. I had typed and deleted the intro sentence ten times now and I was quite fed up.

It was just before noon on a Thursday, so my mum was at work. The house was quiet, so there were no distractions. I sat alone in my room in a loose white t-shirt and grey sweatpants. It should have been the perfect scenario, and yet I had zero ideas for this stupid thing.

Thirty more minutes dragged on, and I managed to get most of my intro done, before I wandered downstairs to make some lunch.

I threw the cupboard open and grabbed some bread to make a sandwich. It would be a shitty sandwich, surely, since we had hardly any food. My mum told me to go grocery shopping a couple days ago but I had forgotten.

To be fair, when she asked me to do it, I was texting Louis, so I wasn't really listening.

I finished up my sandwich and headed for the stairs. I was halfway up when there was a knock on the door, so I turned around and went to open it, lunch still in hand.

"Hi!" a smiling face greeted from the doorstep.

"Louis . . . um, what are you doing here? I said I had to work on homework today," I exclaimed, frowning slightly. He was wearing black joggers and his green adidas hoodie. He looked effortlessly good, as if he'd just thrown an outfit together and it happened to suit him perfectly.

"You can't possibly need an entire day. Besides, you have weeks before that dumb essay is due." He stepped inside, shutting the door behind him. "And I really missed you." He leant up to give me a quick kiss.

I wanted more than anything to ignore my homework and just laze around with him all day, but I reminded myself that if I procrastinated it would just eat away at me little by little each day that it wasn't finished.

I sighed, running a hand through my long hair. "I missed you too but I seriously need to do this essay. I just can't hang out today, okay?"

He rolled his eyes. "Alright, what if you do your essay, and I'll just sit with you and go on my phone or something? No distractions, I swear," he suggested. He was a persistent one, I'll give him that.

"Okay fine. But you have to let me do my work. I'm struggling as it is," I said, turning and climbing the stairs as Louis trailed behind me.

Once I was sat in my place once more, I picked up my laptop and scrolled through what I'd written so far. It wasn't great, but it wasn't terrible either.

I felt the bed shift beside me as Louis sat down, pulling his legs in to his chest. I didn't pay him any mind as I continued to write, my thoughts flowing a bit better than before as I chewed on my sandwich.

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