4. it's perfect

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I sat on the concrete ledge on the steps of the library as I waited for Linda to arrive. I was getting quite good at waking up early. However, I felt like death. I had never been a morning person, and dragging myself out of bed at eight o'clock in the morning was quite a struggle. Knowing I would see Harry was the only thing that got me through it.

I felt so dumb, having fallen for this boy so fast. I'd known him three days, and to be honest, I didn't really know him. I knew his first name and his favourite book, but that was all. Hell, I didn't even know how old he was. He could've been the kind of person who looks way older than they actually are.

At least I knew that I liked him for more than his looks. Sure, they were a factor. I mean, his long curly brown hair and the way it fell flawlessly around his face. His little dimples next to his gorgeous red lips. His eyes, the prettiest shade of green I'd ever come across. But looks weren't everything. He had an amazing personality, and he made me smile every time he spoke. Well, for the most part. I was still a little upset that he'd rejected me when I'd made the joke about him falling for me. He may have only been joking, but I couldn't tell.

"You again?"

I looked up from my phone to see Linda hobbling over to the door with her keys in hand.

"Yes, me again. Get used to it, Linda," I sassed.

"You here for Harry again?" she asked as she unlocked the door and we stepped inside.

"Excuse me?" I tucked my phone in my pocket.

"Oh don't play dumb. You don't strike me as the 'I love the library' type." I opened my mouth to object but she held up her hand, slinging her bag across the back of her chair as I sighed and rested my elbows on the counter. "I saw that little kiss yesterday."

"I kissed him on the cheek! Friends do that!"

She shook her head. "Not the way you did it. It's clear you like the kid. Just ask him out."

"I've known him for three days!"

"Oh who cares about time. When it's right, it's right. Are you telling me you're going to wait a year before you admit your feelings for him? That's pointless."

"Linda! Who even are you right now? You never even acknowledge me and now suddenly you're meddling in my love life?"

Her head snapped up and she pointed a finger in my face. "Ha! So you do like him, then."

I couldn't believe this woman was the same woman who had been here the first day. Her attitude was completely different. My only logical explanation was that she had an identical twin and they just took turns being the librarian.

"I-I just s-sort of . . . um, he's-"

My hopeless spluttering was cut off by the door swinging open and the bell above it ringing.

"Good morning!" Harry chirped as he walked over to us. "How are we today?" I then noticed the two Starbucks cups in his hands and tilted my head, confused. "Oh, yeah, this is for you. I would've been here sooner but I felt the need for a coffee this morning. I didn't know what kind of thing you liked but I got you a tea. I also have jelly beans. You don't have to drink this but I just figured-"

"Harry," I interrupted, "It's perfect. Thank you." As I took a sip of the tea I caught Linda grinning at me from the corner of my eye.

"Linda, you seem happy this morning. Is Jenn back?" Harry asked.

Linda nodded. "Yes. She got in last night."

"That's fantastic," Harry replied. "Alright, come on Lou," he said, taking my hand and pulling me towards our corner.

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