Interlude - Time Limit

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When Hoseok and Taehyung sat back down to work, it wasn't like the office worker had the slightest impression that the coffee break would somehow speed up the process of finding the solution to Taehyung's friend's problem, but he also didn't think it would just end up as another distraction. What ended up happening after Hoseok eventually finished his Mocha after trying to preserve the caffeinated holy water for forty-five minutes, was that a headache blossomed inside his head less than five minutes later after the consumption of the last drop. Hoseok suspected it was caused by the fact he had yet to eat anything nor drank any water that morning.

He grimaced every time the dull ache that had swollen itself around both sides of his head spiked up whenever he would so much as shift his upper body or even glance up at the fluorescent lights above him. He cursed himself for being in such a rush to meet Taehyung that he hadn't even bothered to nurture himself and took it as a sign from the universe that he was forever cursed to suffer from his overlooked, past mistakes.

Jimin and Jungkook had noticed his situation and had asked multiple times if he was alright, or if they should get him something to eat or drink. But he had denied any accusations of being unwell and insisted that they would just cause an unnecessary ruckus if they attempted to leave the library due to their invisible nature to any other person that wasn't Hoseok. Jimin had frowned and said something along the lines of "We're worried about you," while Jungkook had muttered a snarled "Stubborn" underneath his breath. The insult didn't go unnoticed to Hoseok, but he chose to ignore it all the same since he really wasn't in the mood to argue with the demon.

Other than the occasional, involuntary moan of pain escaping him from the pressure surrounding his head, the rest of Hoseok's research went by without any other distractions and, before he knew it, the two hours Taehyung had set up for them was over. Taehyung had announced the scheduled time with an obscene groan and overdramatic stretching of his more than likely stiff joints. Hoseok envied his free will and aloof personality when it came to committing acts like that in dead silent libraries that contained roughly five other people.

The research had ended up fruitless in Hoseok eyes despite Taehyung's avid insistence that they had made a lot more progress than he thought they would. Which made no sense to Hoseok because how does one make progress on researching something they didn't know existed without first finding out that the thing did, in fact, exist? But Taehyung was persistent, and Hoseok was weak to the million-watt smile encouragingly sent his way, so the debate ended with little reluctance from Hoseok. They set their next research meeting later next week due to conflicting and hectic schedules on both sides for the rest of that current week, and bid each other goodbye upon entering the company building when going their separate ways.

"Well," Jungkook began when entering the elevator, causing Hoseok to prematurely grimace at whatever was about escape the demon's mouth, "I think that was the least romantic date I have ever witnessed."

Exasperated and exhausted, Hoseok slapped a hand down onto the bridge of Jungkook's shoulder and squeezed it in silent warning. He pondered, briefly, when the demon had abandoned his shadow form for the second time since agreeing to his deal when feeling the rippling muscles jolt underneath his touch.

"Kook," he grunted. "I'm gonna need you to be quiet until lunch, okay?"

Something in his tone or demeanor must've gotten his message of grave consequences being in store if the demon didn't follow through with his demand because Jungkook instantly snapped his mouth shut and obediently kept his silence.

"Why don't you do that more often?" Jimin sighed. Hoseok noted the exhausted relief in the angel's voice.

"Because it rarely works," Hoseok admitted softly, unconsciously massaging the muscles of Jungkook's shoulder, which his hand was still stubbornly latched onto. "You're very tense, you know?" he said to the demon's back, raising his other hand and bringing up to Jungkook's other shoulder. He frowned when he felt both of the bridges raise and shudder under his touch. "What's up? Don't like being touched?"

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