the poisioner

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//a/n: another tos coven role contest entry out of my 2. Ofcourse this is also old writing.//

  The poisoner was a lady who specializes in medicine, she normally helps those who have fallen ill. She slightly enjoyed her world but find it rather boring and displeasing. She wasn't that important as those of a doctor who learned how to do surgery and save someone's life completely. Though she can tend to simple wounds that's all she could do. Often ignored by the town she wanted to at least seek some recognition. This leads her to be envious of the doctor.

It all started once winter came by the small town. People getting sick and some seeking out to her for medicine. She enjoyed the attention but its the same as every year only a few visit her office. Most often the doctor gets
visited which drive her mad. She knew that the doctor isn't as skilled as her to deal with medicine but still treated the sick as if he knew.

She had grown tired of the doctor and planned to kill him. She then made a new medicine, not one to get rid of the sickness but one that poisoned and kill the user. So she started to test it out. Her first victim was a young man who calls himself a sheriff she gave him the medicine and left. It took 3 nights for the poison to work so she tried again.

Little does she know the witch was watching her and taken interest in her work is one night she decided to pay a visit.The lady was scared and thought she was caught instead the witch prompted her to join her coven and it would enhance her skills. So she accepted it and joined her.

Afterward, the poison no longer took 3 nights to work but down to 2 nights then 1. The poison worked beautifully. One faithful day the doctor himself came in begging for her to give him the cure to the sickness. With one look of sympathy, she accepted it, Gave him the medicine. On the next day, he was found, dead on the ground.  

360+ words

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