Magic, fighting and what not

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(Im actually gonna cry, ty angle bruh im in absolute tears)

Part of my muffin quest au, i dont even know what this is. this is for a local Rat, Ata, and Angle. yeah lol, kay have fun lmao.

Ata's a rogue, Rat is a wizard that can use knives (and a bow because hey theyre protag-chan on the artrio) and Angle is a mage. forgive me this is gonna be hella ooc.


It was quite peaceful.

One would say.

As peaceful as it can get, unfortunately.

A trip that was originally supposed to be one where they return to the kingdom of Mandere and take a moment to settle down in some tavern and celebrate their completion of an escort quest that turned into a search-and-destroy kinda deal.

You know, the usual.

"Okay I don't wanna be the one to say it but I gotta"

The other two looked up to their pink-haired companion who had a deadpan expression drawn on their face.

"We're lost aren't we."

The mage sighed and shook her head, muttering.

"told you we should've turned left at the fork"

" me I know exactly where I'm going"

Rat frowned and crossed her arms looking at the other two, Ata looked back with a smirk.

"Sure you do, boomer"

The brunette groaned and shook her head.

"I'm, not a boomer"

"Didn't you fall for that little illusion trick?"

Angle quipped up with a smug tone, she too was trying not to burst out laughing whilst teasing the wizard beside her.

"Okay, first of all, I was tired! and hungry! you know how tired I can get during long days at the Academy... I'm sorry I genuinely thought those were actual muffins."

The two red-heads looked back at the brunette, the mage decided to continue the conversation, reminiscing the little memory.

"Still can't believe you ate the mixture like a champ though"

"god, don't remind me that was disgusting, what did you even put in it!? dirt?"


Ata replied with a smirk which made the wizard groan and pinched the bridge of their nose.

"Sometimes I can't tell if that was legit or not."

Their little mindless bickering continues on like this for a while as the trio desperately tries to find a way out of this loop.

"Okay I think I'm tired of seeing trees at this point, how long have we been stuck in here??"

"At this point, my best guess is for hours, where did the dirt path even go??"

The three of them looked down, shocked.

At some point have they gone off the track without even realizing?

Speaking of which, this part of the forest wasn't even an area they ventured before, it was shady.

There weren't any guiding lights hanged up anywhere either.

It was vacant.

Erie to some degree.

They were sure they were just re-tracing their steps trying to find their way back to the fork.

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