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Chapter 10: Heartbreak
Astrid POV:
My tears slowly began to fall, and I calmed down a bit. My heart felt empty, and broken, like I had nothing left. But all I had to do was look at my baby girl and know that she was still with me. And I still needed to tell her what happened. I sighed and rubbed my eyes.
I pat her back, motioning for her to get up. I slid back up the door, and cracked my back, and sniffled my nose.
"Freya, come here." I say, and I slowly cry over to the couch. I sat down, and Freya stared at me. I was slowly crying, and I opened my mouth to talk but I got a gag instead. I took a deep breath, and exhaled loudly. "It's ok sweetie." I say and she slowly trudged over. She held onto her bunny that....that Blake got for her when she was just a baby.
I grabbed her hands. "Here mommy you can have Mr. Rabbit! He can make you happy!" She cries and gives me her bunny. "Aww thank you sweetie, but I don't think he will help." I say, and I put him on my lap. "But Mr. Rabbit always makes you happy." She says, and messed with his ears. "Not this time sweet pea." I say, and I take her hands in mine. "Oh. Mommy are you ok?" She says in a sad voice.
"Freya honey, I need to tell you something," I cry and wipe my tears away as fast as I can, being strong for my baby. "Ok mommy." She says, and looks at me with her big ocean blue eyes. My grit my teeth and look up at the ceiling, and take a deep breath. I could no longer hold my emotions, and the tears fell.
"Fr-Freya. Daddy isn't coming home." I wail, and I look at her, and she looks into my watered eyes. "What do you mean? Daddy always comes home!" She says and her voice cracked. I look back at her deep watered eyes, and I knew that I needed to tell her.
"Remember when daddy always leaves?" I tell her and she nods, as her nose sniffs. "Yea! So is he coming home soon?" She begins, and her eyes are still watered from my tears. "No sweetie, he was in an accident." I tell her, and she grabs her bunny back. "Oh." She coos, and I squeezed hands her tighter.
"Well is he hurt?" Freya asks, and I pucked my lips together hard. Slobber grew when I opened my mouth, and I sniffed really hard. This was so hard to tell her that her father was never coming back home.
"He was sweetie." I say, and wipe away her one sliding tear, as mine just kept falling. "Oh! So is he better now?" Freya asks, and I sighed. "No baby. He's not better." I yelp and close my eyes and I gasped out more tears of sadness. "Then you should go see him! You always make daddy better." Freya complies, not understanding. "Freya I can't make daddy better." I wail, and put her hands on my cheeks as I rub her soft palms.
"But why?" She asks, and I shaked my head back and forth, and gulped. "Because no one can make daddy better." I say and she looked lost into my eyes. "Because he's dead Freya....daddy died." I cry and my breaths became unbearable.
"Wait no! Daddy always comes back!" Freya began to cry now. "Not this time sweetie." I sniff and hurled my daughter into my body. She wrapped her tiny arms around my neck and hid her face in my shoulder. Her back moved up and down, and her breaths began to breath faster. I let out a small cry, and I hugged my fighter so tight.
"Daddy always comes back." She cries and that just broke my heart.
It was a heartbreak and I don't think she could ever forget it.

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