Chapter 16: Pretty Young Thing
Astrid POV:
I warmed myself up a nice hot coffee from my Keurig, and I sat it down on the counter. I looked up at Freya, who was watching Barbie on the television. I smiled, but knew she would have to stop watching it to go to bed, since it was 9pm.
"Freya sweetie. Time for bed! You can be up and early to watch tomorrow!" I say and she sighed. She grabbed her blankets and walked right past me into her bedroom. I was surprised because she never acts like this, but I shook it off and walked to her room. I knocked on the door and she layed down into her bed. She enveloped herself into her blankets and waited for me to come over.
I rubbed her hair out of her face and she sighed. "You ok sweet pea?" I say and she looked down. "I just miss daddy. He would always watch Barbie with me in the mornings." She says and I sighed and rubbed her cheek. "I know baby I miss him too. And I'm always going to be with you, and you can talk to me ok? He would want us to be happy." I say and she nodded at me and smiled. "There's my girl." I say and she squealed and I tickled her tummy. "Mommy stop!" She squeals and I laughed. "I'll watch Barbie with you tomorrow!" I laugh and she smiled at me. "I love you mommy." Freya exclaims and I kissed my little girl. "Love you sweet pea. Sweet dreams." I say and she closed her eyes and went to sleep.
Astrid POV:
*10 pm*
I was sitting outside on my lawn chairs drinking my second round of coffee. I loved feeling the cool—but warm September breeze on my skin, and how it waved my hair around.
"Hey." Someone says and I turned around. "Hey!" I say and sit up, and put my coffee down on the end table. It was that familiar auburn haired boy I used to love.
"Why are you here?" I ask and he sits down on the other lawn chair. "Couldn't sleep. Mind is racing." He says and I sighed. "Yea same." I say and rubbed my forehead. "You ok?" Hiccup asks, concerned. Oh his voice makes me want to fell him everything—which makes me hate his guts. "Ugh. Freya just misses her dad. I do too. I know he wants us to be happy but it's hard. I need him." I say and take another sip of coffee.
"Yea I know what it feels like to miss someone. But you don't need him Astrid. Yes you'll miss him. But you don't need him. You have others out there waiting for you and you have us." Hiccup says, reassuring to the gang. "Yea I guess your right." I say and stand up. I grab my coffee and motion for hiccup to come inside. It was staring to get chilly and I was only in Nike shorts, socks, and a sweatshirt.
I walk over to my counter and sit my coffee mug on the table, and walked back to the back door and closed it shut.
My back was facing towards the wall and Hiccup was standing in front of me. I sighed and rubbed my forehead. "Astrid you have to let him go." Hiccup says and I nodded. "Yea I know, and I have a little. But I just need something to happen. Maybe it will help me let him go a bit." I say and he nods in agreement. "Something like what?" He asks and I gazed into his eyes. "A new love I guess?" I ask and he looked down and nodded. I saw his discomfort and cringed my eyebrows in confusion. I put a hand on his shoulder and he was shocked.
"Hey you ok?" I ask and he sighs. "I think it's time I told you something." Hiccup whispers and looks back up. The house was dark except for the kitchen light. "Hey you can tell me anything." I say and he looked afraid. "Um Astrid? When I left the only thing I regretted leaving behind was you. Because you were the woman I loved. When I came back and heard that you were married I was heartbroken.-" "Hiccup?" I begin, but he cut me off. "Let me finish." He says and I gulped, worried for what he was going to say.
"When I saw you after 5 years, God's Astrid I fell in love with you. You were the same bossy, smart, strong and gorgeous woman I fell in love with in middle school. I couldn't go to sleep tonight without telling you because I was bottling this up for so long. So I won't care if you hate me now, but there I said it. I LOVE YOU ASTRID." Hiccup states and looked at my shocked ocean blue eyes.
"Hiccup I cant love you." I mutter and sighed, rubbing my forehead. "Yes you can, Astrid. Blake wants you to be happy. With Freya, with work, and with another guy." Hiccup tells me and I looked up at his forest green eyes. I was biting my lip and just kept staring at his eyes.
His eyes kept dropping to my lips and when he leaned in, I took a step back.
"I'm married, Hiccup." I say and he gazed at me. "Astrid, your a widow. Blake wants you to be the happiest thing ever, because he loved you. He also wants Freya to be happy, and you being happy is making her happy. Now I'm telling you that I love you as well. It's me Astrid. It's Hiccup." He says and all of a sudden, I wanted Hiccup with me. At first I only wanted him as a friend again, but now I needed him more than ever. His relationship with my daughter melts my heart, the way he smiles makes me warm, the way he hugs me goodbye gives me butterflies, and the way he laughs gives me joy. I was falling for him again.
And in that moment we gazed back into each other's eyes, and I locked my eyes on his lips. He took one more look at me and I crashed my lips against his. He backed me into the wall, and I smashed my body against it and we continued to kiss. He picked me up by my legs and carried me off into my bedroom.

The 5 Year Surprise
FanfictionTHE 5 YEAR SURPRISE: It was the day of Graduation for the 18 year old couple, Hiccup and Astrid. Soon after the fantastic day, Hiccup leaves Berk City for college, forgetting everyone and his beloved. After Hiccups College Graduation years later, he...