Chapter 37: Home Free
*One month later*
Astrid POV:
"Aww yes baby boy!" I coo, and tickle my sons belly, and he gave me a smile, and laughed. I smiled at my son, and I pulled him up to my chest, and he touched my face. I smiled and sat him back down on mine and Hiccups messy bed.
Our house was a disaster since Blake was born, clothes were everywhere, baby supplies were scattered around the house, along with Freyas toys, and dishes needed done. Me and Hiccups room was the absolute worse, you could hardly see our floor, that's how messy it was. Blake's cradle sat at the end of our bed, baby clothes were scattered everyone along with me and Hiccups clothes. We still needed to unpack the baby clothes into Blake's room.
I took off his clothes he was wearing for the day. He began to cry from my cold hands touching his warm body to take off his newborn wear. I slipped off his onzie, leaving my infant son in his diaper, wailing. I picked him up, and walked over to me and Hiccups bathroom, where Hiccup was showering. I open the door, and put Blake down on the floor. I slip off his diaper and roll it up, throwing it into the Diaper disposal. I grabbed my son and opened the shower door, revealing my boyfriend, Hiccup wiping the soap buds off his body.
"Come here buddy!" Hiccup coos and I hand him Blake. I close the shower door and walked out of the bathroom, leaving Hiccup to our son.
Astrid POV:
I had been off my crutches since the accident for about a week now, and had a slow limp on my body. I had to go to weekly checkups for the next month, and then I will be all good. I decided to head over to Freyas room, since she hasn't been herself lately.
I opened the door and saw my daughter peacefully sleeping in her bed on this cold Saturday night. I walked over to my 6-year old daughters bedside, and kissed her goodnight. I put away her first grade homework, and put her bookbag on the hook that said "Freya" on her door. I walked back to Freya, and moved her bangs out of her face.
"I love you sweet pea, so much." I say and kissed her forehead. I walked away, stepping around her toys, and shutting off her light. "I love you too," I hear her say. I turned around and smiled, shutting her door.
Hiccup POV:
"Ok so the kids are down sleeping, what does my beautiful girlfriend want to do?" Hiccup asks me as I plopped my butt down on the couch. "We can ask each other questions? About our future?" I offer and he smiled at me. He walked over to the fridge and grabbed 2 Dr.Peppers, threw me one and ran back over to the couch. "Ok! Ask away," he says and opened his pop, sitting directly in front of me.
" you ever want to get married?" I ask and he spit up him drink a bit, blushing. "I've never really thought about it, but yes I would love to get married someday," He shrieked and put his pop on the end table of our living room.
"Ask me!" I giggle and fold my hands, waiting for his answer. "Do you ever want any more kids besides the 2 we have now?" Hiccup asks and I grinned at my boyfriend. "Yes I want more kids." I smiled and looked down. "Me too, so that's good." Hiccup answers and I fell into my boyfriends arms. I just wrapped my legs around his waist and cuddled into his chest. He was taken aback, and had his eyes widened in confusion. He wrapped his arms around me and I smiled at him.
"What was this for?" He asks me and I sat my head up so I could look at him. "Because I love you, and you want what I want," I say and pecked his lips. "I love you too," he says and continued to cuddle on our couch, before Sunday morning.

The 5 Year Surprise
FanfictionTHE 5 YEAR SURPRISE: It was the day of Graduation for the 18 year old couple, Hiccup and Astrid. Soon after the fantastic day, Hiccup leaves Berk City for college, forgetting everyone and his beloved. After Hiccups College Graduation years later, he...