Merry Christmas

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Chapter 24: Merry Christmas
Astrid POV:
I found out I was pregnant yesterday, and I had the perfect idea on how to tell Hiccup and Freya. Hiccup had went into the school today to do some quick paperwork for an hour, and then he would be home. Freya was still asleep, so I had some little time to myself.
I grabbed a tiny box from my closet, and grabbed the wrapping paper and tape. I sat down on the floor by my bed, and sipped on my hot chocolate. I put the pregnancy test in the box, and closed it shut.
"Mommy?" Someone says and I spun around. I immediately went over and slammed my closet door shut, so Freya wouldn't see "Santa Clauses" gifts.
"Good morning sweet pea!" I exclaim and sat back down with my box. I grabbed the wrapping paper, and scissors. "Um? What are you doing?" Freya asked and she sat down next to me. "Wrapping one of yours and daddy's gifts from me." I say and she smiled. "Oh. When will we get it?" She asks and I smiled. "Tomorrow." I say and she giggled.
*Christmas Morning*
"WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP!" My 5 year old screamed as she jumped up and down on mine and Hiccups bed. Hiccup groaned and rolled over and put his arms around my waist, cuddling closer to my body. Freya then began to shake me and Hiccup awake, widening our eyes immediately.
"SANTA CAME! HEEEE CAMMMEEEEE!" Freya squeals and hopped off of me and Hiccups bed. Hiccup let me go and groaned, as he rolled over. He his hands on his face and checked the clock. "6am? Seriously Freya?" He moans and I chuckled. "She's 5 Hiccup, and besides Santa came!" I cooed and kissed his cheek.
He smirked and grabbed my waist. "No come back!" He says and snuggled his chin into my neck and began to tickle my waist. I began to squirm and laugh. "Hiccup stop! Babe!" I laughed and twisted his hand. "Ok! Ok! You win!" He exclaims and I wrapped my arms around my boyfriend, putting my head in his chest.
"You always win!" He chuckled and kissed my temple. "Oh you knew what you were getting into! Come on babe, sooner we open gifts, the faster we can go back to sleep!" I exclaim and hop out of our bed. "Ughhhhh noooo." He groans and fell out of our bed.
Freya was waiting impatiently my the Christmas Tree, and crossed her arms. "Hey don't look at me! Someone isn't a morning person!" I laugh and look at the drowsy Hiccup who walked into our living room. Freya giggled at his wild hair. Hiccup then went back to the kitchen, and the coffee machine was running so he was making coffee or hot chocolate.
I then grabbed my secret little box and put it in my lap, best gift for last. "Ok Freya! Open away!" I say and she squealed.
Me, Hiccup and Freya all went to sleep last night with matching Christmas foot Pajamas. My hair was in a gorgeous braid from last night, Freyas were in 2 French braids, and Hiccup kept his normal messy hair.
Hiccup came back with 3 mugs, and he handed me one. He put one on the end table for Freya, and he settled right behind me. I layed on him, and I sipped my hot chocolate.
"Mommy! Daddy! Santa got me more barbies for my dollhouse!" Freya squeals and waved the boxes at me and Hiccup. "He did?!" Hiccup says and widened his eyes as Freya handed him the boxes. "He did! Look Freya it even comes with a dog and a cat!" Hiccup points out and she giggled. She set the box down and went to open more of her gifts.
Freya grabbed a box and shredded the wrapping paper apart. She ripped the tape off the sides of the box, and opened it. "Santa got me more Barbie movies!" Freya laughs and showed me and Hiccup the discs. "Oh! We can watch these right after we're done with gifts if you want!" I exclaim and she nodded.
"I love you, Merry Christmas." Hiccup whispers into my ear. "Love you too, Merry Christmas babe." I say and he put his mug down. "Don't. You. Dare. Tickle. Me." I growl and he immediately grabbed his mug again.
After Freya opened her 10 gifts from Santa Claus, she saw there was more under our tree. "Mommy! This one is for you." Freya squeals, and I put my mug on the tv stand. I looked at the box, and it was from Hiccup. I smiled and him, and he waited for me to open the box. I took the box with my hands and tore apart the wrapping paper.
"Mommy can I help?" Freya asks. I smiled and nodded at my daughter. I opened the tape on the box, and tore the top of the box off. I gushed at what was inside.
The first item was a new family frame with me, Hiccup, and Freya doing the dumbest faces from her Birthday in September. There was also a new mug that said "Worlds best mom" on it and I smiled at that. And then in the middle was the fuzziest blanket I've ever felt, with a small box in the center. I grabbed it and opened up the box. I gasped.
"I had the jewelry store recreate it, I know I'm with you now, but I thought you could carry it with you." Hiccup says as I looked up at him, dumbfounded. "Hiccup...I love it. Thank you!" I say and grabbed my boyfriend so tight, I was squeezing him. "Your welcome, I love you," he says and I blushed. "I love you too." I exclaim, and I crushed my lips on her. Freya was standing in the middle of us. "Eewww! Stop it! Gross!" She exclaims and we pulled apart laughing. The gift Hiccup got for me was Blake's wedding band, tied into a necklace, and I immediately put it on. "Gorgeous!" Hiccup exclaims. I turned around and gave Hiccup his gift. "Your turn!" I exclaim and he smirked.
"Ok! All down with gifts! An hour later!" Hiccup groans and flops down onto the couch. "Um not quite yet." I say and show them the small box. He raises an eyebrow and comes to sit by me. "Um. Theres another?" He says and I gave him the box. "Freya, you and daddy need to open it together." I say, nervous and Freya comes over. Her and Hiccup look at me and take off the wrapping paper.
Hiccup and Freya lifted up the box, and Hiccup removed the wrapping paper. He gasped at the sight of the test, and Freya was confused. "Um? What is that?" She says confused and Hiccup picked it up, staring at it. His jaw was dropped, and he just stared at it.
"Um Hiccup?" I say and he turned towards me. I gulped in fear that he would be angry. "Are- are you happy?" I say and Freya Rose her brows. "Are you kidding?! Babe I'm thrilled!" He exclaims and grabbed me. "We're having a baby! A baby!!!" He exclaims and I began to cry. "Yes! Yes! We are!" I say and we crashed our lips together. "Oh my god! I can't believe it! Freya your going to be a big sister!" Hiccup cried and Freyas eyes widened. "I am! I am?!" She squeals and jumped up and down.
We all huddled together in a big group hug.
Baby Haddock coming in October.

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