The Proposal

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Chapter 38: A Proposal
October 16
Heather POV:
"Please make sure there ok? And make sure Blake gets his bottle before bed, make sure Freya brushed her teeth and make sure-" "Astrid! Calm down! I've got the kids!" I soothe her and touch her arm, reassuring Astrid that everything was under control. "Ok, thank you," she sighs and wrapped her arms around me. "Anytime, I Love you." I say and she pulled away. "Love ya!" She exclaims and Hiccup opened the door. Astrid walked out elegantly and Hiccup gave me a hug. "Love you," he says and kissed my cheek. "Love you! Good luck!" I whisper and he winked. He closed the door and I turned to my goddaughter.
"What do you want to do? Watch a movie? Play a game? Do something crazy?" I ask and Freya smirked, and saw her baby brother sleeping in his play-pen in the living room. "Ever heard of hide and seek?" She says and I smiled. "Who hasn't?" I smirked and began to chase my niece.
The Dragon Inn
Astrid POV:
"I really hate leaving the kids for a whole night!" I shrieked worried, and I rubbed my curly hair. "Babe! Heather will be fine with the kids, ok? Calm down." Hiccup comforts me and held my back. Me and Hiccup were on our romantic date to the Dragon Inn this Friday night, and I have never left Freya overnight without me.
"I've just never left her alone before," I explain to Hiccup and he tilted my chin up towards him with his index finger. "Hey, Freya will be fine. She's 6, she can behave herself with Heather," Hiccup says and I nodded.
Astrid POV:
"Yea your right. Heathers got it under control." I say and me and Hiccup went to our reserved seats. I flattened my red dress, and Hiccup pulled my chair back so I could sit. "Thanks babe." I say and he pushed my seat in. "Your welcome." Hiccup smiled, twinkling his gorgeous eyes at me. I smiled at my boyfriend, and we held our hands closely under the table. "What May I get you lovelies?" The waitress appears, and we broke apart.
"Wine please!" We exclaim together, and covered our mouths, chuckling at our unison of words.
Heather POV:
"Ok, now support his head," I say as I put Blake into Freyas arms. She supported her little brothers head, and flopped her head into the couch behind her. "Hide and seek wears you out!" She huffed and looked down at the sleeping Blake Henry.
"It sure does, but your brother needs to eat." I say and go to the kitchen. I grabbed the bottle Astrid left out for me and began to make the infants bottle. "I'll swim and sail on savage seas, with a never fear of drowning. And gladly ride the waves of life if you would fall asleep. No scorching sun nor freezing cold will stop me." Freya sings, but changes "marry me" to fall asleep. I smiled at the sight and sat next to Freya. I took the baby from her arms and tilted Blake's head up on my chest. I Inserted the bottle into his mouth and he began to drink the milk, moving his hands up to the bottle.
"He likes it!" Freya squeals and touches her brothers hand. I quirked a brow, and frowned. "Why wouldn't he like it? It's milk." I say and Freya snickered. "Mommy says your a TERRIBLE cook! Like really bad!" She giggled and my face infuriates. "She didn't!" I growl.
The Dragon Inn
Hiccup POV:
"Shall we head to our hotel?" Astrid asks as she held her stomach from the food she ate. She looked so stunning, with her beautiful red dress, her makeup done and her hair was curly. "What?" She asks, confused and rose her brow. "Nothing you just look so beautiful," I say and lifted my head up with my hand, resting my elbow on the table, gazing at my gorgeous girl. "Your corny!" She chuckled and threw a napkin at my face. "Hey!" I snickered and tore it off my face. She smiled, and it faded away once I pulled out a diamond from my pocket. She gasped and covered her hands with her mouth, as tears streamed down her face. People around us looked over, and waited for my words.
"Astrid Hofferson, I've loved you since we were 18. When I asked you to be mine when we were 17, I was overjoyed. We were the power couple, and then I left when my father died. I cans back and fell in love with you again instantly. You make me the best person everyday. You make me so darn happy. You've given me the life I thought I was only dreaming. I've got 2 beautiful kids, an amazing job with kids, a perfect home and you. I want to be yours Astrid and grow old and wrinkly with you. Watch our kids grow up and watch our family expand. Be with you in sickness and in your health, be by your side when you pursue your Detective job, and I want you to be my wife Astrid. Astrid Rose Hofferson? Will you Marry me?" I ask, tears forming in my eyes. She dropped her hands to her waist and fell into my arms. She crashed her lips on mine and held my face. I pulled away, smiling and she moved away my hair. "Is that a yes?" I say and she smiled. "Yes! It will always be a yes!" She cries and kissed me again. I melted into the kiss as people around us clapped and cheered. I pulled away, smiling and slid the silver band onto Astrid's finger.
"Now we can have our check." I smirked and hugged my fiancé. Astrid's smile faded as we sat back down, and everything was back to normal. "Hey? Are you ok?" I ask her and she looked at me. "What would Blake think of me?" She asks me and I frowned, and turned my head, looking sincere. "He'd be so happy." I say and she smiled small. "You think so? It just feels weird about to call someone else my husband." She says and fiddled with the ring. "It will be, but we can do it, together." I say and take her hand. She smiled and nodded. I looked at Astrid, who I was glad to call mine.
Heather POV:
[From Hiccup.
I've got a fiancé.]
My eyes widened and I jumped up and down. "OH MY THOR YES! HICCSTRID IS GETTING MARRIED! WOOO HOO!" I screamed.

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