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Chapter 50: Unwound
Berk City Police Department
Astrid POV:
"Hey Haddock." Eret said as I walked over to my desk, holding a bottle of water. I looked up, rising my brows, letting him know that he can continue talking.
"The hospital called and said they need a Detective down there. You want to go down or me?" Eret asks me and I groaned. He chuckled and I grabbed the bag of chips that's in my bag. I rolled my eyes and opened the bag.
"I'll go. I need to get out of this place anyway." I exclaim and he patted my shoulder. "Ok Haddock," he says and I smiled at him as he sat at his desk across from me. I stood up, grabbed my coat and picked up a coffee before I left. I went out to my impala, my Detective car, and drove to the hospital.
Berk City General Hospital
30 minutes later
Astrid POV:
I grabbed my notepad and pen, ready to take the notes for what the hospital needed. I tightened my ponytail, and the hospital doors opened. I sighed and walked into the ER, with my black boots on. Doctors were scramming around the room, and yelling, multiple traumas were coming in.
I grabbed a doctors arm and she looked at me. "Hello, I'm Detective Haddock, your doctors called me in?" I ask and she nodded.  "Yes, Trauma 2." She said and I nodded. "What's the victim?" I ask her and she sighed. "Fire victim, and his daughter." She says and I rubbed my forehead. I sighed and I let the young doctor go. I walked into trauma 2, and saw the doctors working on a young male.
"Ok, what do we got here?" I ask and they gasped. I made a confused face and sassed. "What?" I cock and they lifted the sheet off the mans face. It was Hiccup. My eyes widened and I dropped my notebook and pen. I put my hands over my mouth and gasped.
"Hiccup! How!" I cried and ran over to him, but the doctors pulled me back. "He was in a fire with your daughter. I'm working with him now, but I can't when your in my way!" Doctor Mala says, remembering her from my car accident. I began to cry, as I struggled to get to my husband. "Hiccup! No! Let me stay with him!" I wailed as she pushed with all her might to get me out of the room.
"No!" I hollered and she got me out of the room. She cupped my face and looked at me. "Hey, were going to do everything to save your husband." Mala says and slid her hands off my face. She ran into the trauma room and shut the door. She saw me standing there and had her doctors shut the blinds.
I put my hands through my hair, layed against the wall and slid down to the floor, just like I did when Blake was dead.
Was Hiccup gonna die too?
*1 hour later*
Astrid POV:
"It's gonna be ok Astrid." Eret says as he took my hand. I had my head propped up with my hand, as my elbow sat on my leg. I wiped away my tears and sniffed. I held his hand tighter and buried my head into my legs. Eret then got up, and he left. I sighed.
I then felt a touch on my shoulder, and looked up. It was Eret, with a coffee, and I smiled at him. He chuckled and sat down, I curled onto my best partners chest and layed there. "Your the best cop partner ever." I said and he chuckled. "I know right." He said and I laughed. "There's that laugh." He said and my smile faded.
"Mrs. Haddock?" Someone says and I turned around. Doctor Mala. I immediately stood up and rushed over to her. "Is he ok! Please tell me my husband is going to be ok!" I say and she sighed. She looked down and my eyes widened. "He's not dead, but I can't save his leg." She says and I fell down into a chair. I buried my head into my legs and Doctor Mala put a hand on my back.
"I'm taking him up to surgery, but I need your consent." She says and I looked up at her. I took a deep breath and thought deeply about it. "Yes, do it. Save him." I say sternly and she nodded. She went into the trauma room, and they rolled out the bed, that had Hiccup on it. I grabbed his hand and she nodded.
"I love you babe. Don't leave me." I sniffled and kissed his head. I brushed away his bangs and nodded to her, and as they ran to the OR, my hand slid out of my husbands embrace.
Who knows, that could be the last time I ever see him.
*3 hours later*
Astrid POV:
"Astrid, don't you think you should go visit Freya?" Eret asks me and I sighed. "Doctor Aneska said she just inhaled smoke and that she would be all good soon, while my husband is losing his leg." I growled and he sighed. He rubbed his forehead and looked at me.
"I think she needs her mother, Astrid she's probably terrified." Eret says and I glared at him. He sighed and layed back onto his chair. "You don't get to tell me what to think, but if it'll make you happy, I'll go check." I say and began to walk away. "No Astrid, it's gonna make you better. You should have visited her awhile ago." Eret explains and I sighed.
He was right, Freya was the most important thing to me and I haven't even visited her and I've been here for almost 4 hours. Erets right, she's probably scared and terrified of what just happened.
I clenched my fists, at my attitude towards my daughter. I should've been there earlier.
The nurse opened her hands to Freyas room, and I faced my daughters room. I almost broke down right there. Her room had giraffe paintings along the walls, like a jungle, and she looked comfy.
I sighed and walked into her room. She was lying in a hospital bed, with an oxygen tank, probably from so much smoke inhalation. She was drowsy, and her face was wet and sticky from my view. Her hair was ratted, and she looked so tired. She had on a hospital gown, and she was looking out the window.
I walked by her bed, and traced my fingers along her hair, in which she bolted around. "Hey, it's me." I say and she began to cry. "Mommy." She wailed and I reached for my daughter. She coughed and coughed, and I rubbed her back. I pulled my girl into my chest and she just bawled her eyes out and cuddled into me. I kissed her temple and put my arm around her shoulder.
"Hey, its ok. I'm here." I soothe and rubbed her back. "NOO it was bad." She wailed and coughed. "Hey, deep breaths. Your gonna be ok." I say and she choked up a bit.
"Freya," I say and her crying didn't seize. She sniffled and my shirt was damp. I just grabbed my daughter and lifted her into my arms. "Hey, sweet pea you just need to BREATHE." I emphasized and she started to seize her crying a bit, but it was still there. "It was so scary mommy." Freya spoke, and I sighed.
"I'm sure it was baby. And I'm sorry you had to go through it. Your 7, and it must have been terrible." I say and she nodded. "So whenever your ready to talk about it you can, and you don't have to go back to school this week."  I say and she pulled away from me, we were both sitting up now.
"Mom?" Freya mumbles and I lifted up her chin. "Hmm?" I ask and she sighed. "Where are we gonna live?" She asks and I hadn't really thought about it. I pulled my daughter in for a hug, and I sighed.
"We've got some money saved up, maybe an apartment for now. The cars aren't ruined thankfully. And we can always use the extra furniture and the extra tv from Grandma...then we go for a shopping spree." I chuckled and Freya laughed.
"I'm just gonna miss my house." She says and I pulled away from her. "I know sweet pea. I will too." I say and then gasped. "Oh my thor!" I spoke and Freya quirked a brow. "What?" She asks and I covered my mouth. "The dogs! Oh my gods Stormfly and Toothless!" I say, and Freya laughed. I glared at my daughter.
"Freya! Our dogs are dead! It's not funny!" I say and I was about to cry. "No it is because daddy saved them. They got out of the fire. Our neighbor Ally is watching them." Freya giggled and I snapped a hand over my heart.
"Oh my Thor." I gasped in relief and sat back down on her bed. She looked up at me with her big ocean eyes. "Mommy?" She asks and I took my daughters hand.
"Yes?" I ask and she sighed. "How's daddy?" She asks, and I pointed at her. "He's in-"
"Mrs. Haddock?" I hear and I spun around. It was Doctor Mala. I took a deep breath and we went outside, so Freya couldn't hear. I closed her door and she looked worried.
"How is he?" I ask and she smiled. "The surgery went great, his leg was perfectly amputated, and he's in recovery. He will need months of physical therapy, but he will be ok," Mala explains and I jumped into her arms.
"Thank you thank you! And I know you hate hugging but please hug me back!" I exclaimed and she sighed. She wrapped her arms around my waist and smiled. "My pleasure Astrid. Your one of my best friends. And Hiccup is too." She says and I smiled. "Now! Let's get Freya out of this room, with the oxygen tank of course and you can both see Hiccup!" She says and I gushed.
"That would be great,"

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