Season 1 Episode 1 Always and Forever

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Rosalinda/Isabella POV 

I was sitting at the cullens manchine thinking of my time with my real family.I bet your all confused im not actually Isabella Marie Swan im Rosalinda Saphrina Deloca-Mikealson married to Ellijah Mikealson second oldest in his family after Finnik he got daggered by Niklause and he begged me to run and i did im actually  over 1000 years old and have been running from nic for a hundred years. i was also turned with the Mikealson as Esther loved me as her own. i had blonde hair and sky blue eyes and im a hybrid half suductress and half vampire i hardly used my powers as a human but i use them now for food but men always stop and stare which Eli never liked.


Mississippi River, 300 years ago

Rebekkah and Nik were at the back of the ship bellow deck in the shadows whilest i was stood next to ellijah at the frount we heard 4 men enter the ship and slow made there way down the ship whilest one of the men said "where in hell is everyone" and the man next to him replied " Deserted. Which makes everything in the hold legally  forfeit..." he looked around an dsaw nik's coffins "...what do you make of that." he continued another man repllied "open it up" he hesated but opened and saw Finn and  Kol when i heard a door swing open and i see bekkah in the shadows and i nod at her and she grabs the man closest to her and drinks his blood then it's my go and i take one of the men back next to Ellijah and drank him dry when Nik took the last one makeing him self a complete mess the last man was trying to escape when bekkah stopped  him with a napkin in hand and her Vampire face still on she said "Hello" the man turned around whilest bekkah was wipping the last of the blood and letting her face go normal " Lovely to see such a handsome face after a long Journey. Can i eat him, Brother" she said looking towards me and Eli i took his arm as we were coming out of the shadows "I'd rather you didn't" he said with a slight smile on his face Elijah looks in to his eyes "There is no reason to be afraid, and do exactly as i tell you, you will remember nothing" he said and the man replied "I will remember nothing" when Elijah starts to speak again "We've had a very long journey wherein which we lost our crew. Therefore, I will ask you kindly to transport our belongings on to the shore" he finished when the man butted in "what kind of hell demons are you?" he asked  when bekkah said "We're vampires, Darling. The Original Vampires: Rebekah, Elijah that lovely women is Rosalinda..." he was stood in a trance looking at me which eli  wrapped his arm around my waist"...our brothers Kol and Finn..." she said nodding to the coffins "...May they rest in peace." she said before getting intrupted "are we saving the best till last?" he asked and bekkah continued "and our half brother Niklause" she said and i continued "ignore him;he's a veazt" i said and the man looked at me in aww as my voice lurred men in Niklause came out of the shadow with blood smeared all over his chin and a man in his arms and he spoke "we fled Europe and survived the seas. Would you rather I arrive Hungry on the shore of our new homeland?" he asked me and i shrugged and i spoke back to him "Niklauze, your mannerz are,az alwayz, without equalz. Zir, would you ve zo good az to tell us where it iz that we have landed?" i asked and the man and he replied "The French Coloney of louisiana ,Ma'moff the shores of a town they have named New Orleans" he said and Eli nodded " Thank you so much. Oh, i do recommened you find yourself further assistance with the luggage. My Sincere apologise" and with that i took elijah arm and we started our new life in new orleans.

 *** End Flashback*** 

i was pulled out of my flashback with my phone ringing and i saw the ID i answered the phone 

Bekkah   Rosalinda 

Rosie how have you been 

Rosealinda Saphrina Deloca-MikealsonWhere stories live. Discover now