Season 1 Episode 22-From a cradle to a grave

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You will notice i missed Episode 21. And this is the last chapter comment if you want a Sequel but i might b doing a Prequel to Cassidy Narcissa Malfoy.

Bekkah got a phone call from Niklaus to meet him in New Orleans it was dark and i saw nik holding a baby in his arms i got out of the car with bekkah and smiled and he smiled back
“Hello, sister.Rosie” he said and i nodded as bekkah gently touches the baby and stares in wonder “Oh, she looks like her mother. “she said and i smiled at her
 “Maybe there is a God after all.” I said and we laughed
“Well, she has a hint of the devil in her eyes. That's all me. I need a witch you can trust to cast a cloaking spell.” He said and i nodded
“we'll get one.” I said
“No one can ever find her.” Nik said
“We know what to do, Nik.” Bekkah said and we all looked at the baby
 “Perhaps we'll get a white fence. I think that would be lovely What you think rosie?” bekka asked and i nodded Klaus held up the baby to get a last look at her before we had to leave with us and nik whispered to her
“This city would have seen you dead. But, I will have it your home. And every soul who wishes you harm will be struck down, just as sure as my blood runs in your veins...” and we looked at him horrified
“You will return to me.” He said and kissed his daughter o the forhead and cheek before handing her over to bekkah Then, he gave Rebekah and the baby a tiny wooden knight that he carved for Rebekah a 1,000 years ago, which caused Rebekah to grab his hand and start to cry i had tears in my eyes and bekkah let me hold the baby
“In spite of our differences, Rebekah, there is no one I would trust more than you two with my daughter's life. “ he said Klaus hugged Rebekah and kissed her on the cheek
 “Be happy, sister.” He said and she smiled at him
 “She will be happy, Nik. I promise.” And they smiled at her
 “What's her name?” i asked he paused a minuet
 “Hope. Her name is Hope.” He started to cry i hugged him and he kissed my forehead and Hope and we walked to the car to get her in as Nik and bekkah hugged and i heard Nik crying. I strapped her in and sat next to her and got a bottle i made earlyier out and feed her as bekkah got in and looked back at us and smiled at hope and me she stroked hope cheek and drove of
“so were should we go?” bekkah asked
“San Fransico?” i asked and she nodded and speed of to our new home. We stopped at a mall and got tons of clothes and i smiled at bekkah
 “somebody going to be spoiled” i said and she laughed as we made our way back to the car i strapped hope in and i was driving now and bekkah was sat with hope who was sleeping.


WE pulled up to the houe we bought and walked up to the nursery we got a Witch to set up for us it was sweet with everything hope will need. So bekkah laid her down and we unpacked and cleaned up and unpacked we sat down and i made us some Dinner and hope a bottle. Bekkah was talking to the Witch to cloak hope and i heared hope shuffling around in her crib so i walked upstairs and saw her laying there looking at the clouds on the Celing babbling
 “rrrrrrr” i heard her say and i laughed she turned to me and had her hands up so i picked her up and carried her downstairs and gave her a bottle i sat in the living room and put on BabyTV and layed her in the bouncer when i finished feeding her. I bounced her a bit and then left and heared her babbling i found Bekkah and Sara the Witch talkig
“are we getting the White picket ?” i asked and she nodded an dwe laughed
“The spell is done” the witch said
 “thank you and please don’t tell anybody” i said and she swore she wouldn’t and i smiled
“Thank you” i said and she nodded and left. Me and Bekkah went in to the room and saw hope sleping and snoring
 “I think we will do great looking after her” bekkah said and i nodded

Sorry its short but this is the last chapter of this book. Hope you enjoyed it.

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