Season 1 Episode 10- the Casket Girls

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Rebekah: [voiceover] “For centuries, people have come to New Orleans looking for a fresh start. Looking to find adventure, fortune, and even love. Young society women imported from France with the promise of marrying a proper New Orleans gentleman like the legendary Casket Girls.”

Louisiana, 18th Century

Three French women were travelling by Horse and Carriage  when they stopped a man and asked him“Excuse me sir, how long before we arrive at the Governer's House?”

Rebekah (voiceover) “Little did they know that the men who awaited them were far from proper, and not at all gentle.”

The carriage that carried the three women stoped as they approach a group of men with torches and alcohol in the middle of the road, blocking their path. The men are shouting as they approach and shake the carriage. The women screamed until the shaking stops, and replaced by the shouts of the men outside. They look around, frightened and confused. The man inside the carriage slowly opens and looks around at the devastated of deceased and bloody men scattering the floor. He looks ahead and tries to back inside the carriage as he is pulled out by an invisible force as he screams. Rebekah appears in the door of the carriage with blood on her lips.  “There, there little lambs, all the bad men have gone away. Vous êtes en sécurité ici , s'il vous plaît pardonnez le désordre(anYou're safe here, please forgive the disorder). Us girls have got to stick together. Now, is there anything you want to take with you? The women abandon the carriage and the carnage and run from the scene with some belongings.


Rebekah: [voiceover] “The Casket Girls legend lives on, now celebrated in typical New Orleans fashion with stylish costumes and supernatural flair. It's a yearly reminder of how woman can be oppressed by selfish men and how they can triumph when brave enough to fight for themselves.”

The Abattoir

Rosealinda POV

i listened for hayley as she was struggling with her zipper i speed to the door and she looked at me “Vould you like zome help?”

i asked her and she smiled at me “ You might need to use all your vampire strength.”

She replied and i smiled at her “S'il vous plait Allow me”

i stood behind her and zipped up her zipper “Thanks. Not too many pregnant Casket Girls, I guess.”

She said and i looked at her and replied “I think you look lovely. Only I would...”

i saw her birthmark and touched it and she covered it with her hand I know, keep the freaky werewolf birthmark covered.”

She said frowning “Well, I don't suspect any of the riff-raff here would dare lay a hand on you, knowing you're under the protection of my family. Still, you shouldn't take any chances.”

I Said and she looked in the mirror and sighed “All knocked up and nowhere to go.”

I looked at her “You know... if you wanted the attend the festivities tonight, I would be more than willing to take you.i have nothing to do” Hmm... you, Elijah and Klaus are barely on speaking terms. Let's not rock the boat, okay?”

 she said and i smiled at her “Of course.”

I said to her “Rose, do you mind?”

Hayley motions to her zipper and i steped forwards unbuttoning and unzipping her dress and then left

Rosealinda Saphrina Deloca-MikealsonWhere stories live. Discover now