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Its not Nia...its Taehyung. Im in shocked and he touched me.

"Y/n!" He yelled at me.
Im scared when heard his voice changed like creepy to me.

"What?" In scared face.
"You ignore me and you dont text me why?"
"Are you gonna scold me again?"
"Yes because this is your second mistake. First you didnt come in the garden at the college and now you dont text me. I give you my phone nunber but you ignore it?!"
"How did you know that i ignore it?"
"Because you dont text me"
"And how did you know that i see your number phone?"
"What?How?! tell me!"
"I dont know..."
"Then stop scold me if you dont know!"

I take my bag and leave the house. I locked the house with Nia spare key that she gave me.



I ran away from there. Its so far to get to my college. So i ran. He following me.


I stopped and looked at the back.


My tear go down without i noticed it. He lied on the road with the blood around him.

"Taehyung....Taehyung!!!!" I ran to him and hold him in my arms. The car that hit him drive away and leave us alone in the road.

"Y/n....i....love....you...." he smile at me while his blood was out from his mouth. I cried and hug him.

"Im sorry Tae..." i whispered to him and cried.
"Y/n..." Taehyung called me.
"Yes Taehyung?" *wiped my tears*
"Are you gonna kill me?" He smiled.
"Then why you dont call ambulance or something to help me?"
"Oh yes sorry"

-skip time-

The ambulance come and carried Taehyung to the ambulance.

My phone ringing. Nia called me.

"Hey y/n where are you? Im searching for you its late already"
:why? Are you cry? Where are you now?"
" im in.....the ambulance."
"Why? Are you sick?"
"No ... Taehyung accident when he chase me just now."
"Omg i need to inform to his friends."
"Yes please..."
"Okey bye..."

Next story_

풍켱  {✔} - Taehyung X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now