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Nia POV:

I ran away until i reach the hospital
"ya Nia, where did you go? (😒)" RM asked me
"oh, I go to restroom. Why? (😀)" I answered him.
"oh nothing, but why can you just go that way? So you cant get that really far to go (😏)" Jungkook said to me.
"mmm...oh i get some water (😰)" I said to him.

Ok seems like their face have so many questioned.

"Nia, seriously...then where is your water? (😂)" Jin chuckled.
"oh, i drink it (😀)" i said to him.
"i dont want to ask more...(😱).." before Jin continued his words, his jaws are open widely.

They all seemed like seeing a ghost (👻) that appeared at my back. So i turn around my body slowly. I scream (😨😵) as i could and i get shocked its Y/n"
"why you standing here? You are not really fine now (😥) " i said to her but she just standing infront of me without a word come to her mouth.

"y/n???! (😨)" we all call her.

She close her eyes and collapse.

All still in position.

'Suga?' (😓) I mumbled to myself.

"why? (😒)" Suga ask me with y/n at his hand.
"nothing (😓)" I answered him.
"are you still standing there without doing nothing? (😒)" Suga ask me.
"what? After all-- (😦)" before I continued.
"aish.... Doctor! (😶)" Suga yell.
"your patient is collapse again! (😔)" Suga continued.

The doctors suddenly come and carried y/n to ger room.

"ya you... *holding my hand* let me talk to you a minute (😫)" Suga said to me.

I just follow him.

"what? (😡)" I asked him after he let go his hand from mine.

"are you mad? (😕)" Suga ask me.
"hell yeah... (😒)"
"what? (😤)"
"nothing I want to go (😑)"
"wait im not saying anything yet (😡)"
"then saying now! (😠)"
"you dont need to yell at me (😒)"
"im so lazy to talk to people like you... Jerk! (😤)"

Then I walk with my angry face.

"ya! (😡)" he yell.

I just ignore him.

He pulled me toward him and my face just close with him.

"im sorry... (😞)" ha said to me.
"... (😧)" im nervous now.
"Nia... (😚)" he kiss me.
But I push him.

"ya! Why you kiss me... Im not yours and you are not mine! I really hate you! Dont see me again and dont talk to me! (😬)" im mad now.

I dont know how to feel but...I dont want him to love me because of forces to make me happy.

I just go away. And leave the hospital. I dont greet them. I just go to my house by myself.

To be continued...

Love my story😊💗

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I update with expression beside the word just some with emoji 😀😂

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