Gender Reveal

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"Ready?" the nurse asks.

I nod excitedly. "Yes!"

"Your twins are-"




And if you're wondering, no, Knox didn't go with me to the gender reveal because I wanna surprise him.

It's gonna be perfect!

I'm four months pregnant now and showing.

Knox will not leave me alone, he's so worried and cautious because his when his older sister was in the womb, gangs killed her.

Not only that, he's just so worried I'm uncomfortable or something.

He's stressing a lot over this, it's adorable.

He's already so protective of his babies, always talking to them and everything.

It's so sweet, I love him so much!

"SUNSHINE!" Knox runs in and I turn to him. "WHATS THE GENDER?! TWO GIRLS?! A BOY AND GIRL?! TWO BOYS?!"

I laugh. "You'll have to wait till tomorrow, baby"

His eyes widen. "How do you feel?! Hurting?! Sore?! I can set up the bath for y-"

"Knoooox, I'm fine! I promise!" I laugh and kiss his cheek.

"It's just my kids are in you and I wanna do everything I can to make sure you three are okay" he says, calming down.

"We're fine" I smile.

He rubs my stomach and turns to the kitchen. "I made you some spaghetti if you're hungry" he says.

"Thank God!" I go into the kitchen and take out a bowl.

"Can I know the gender of one of the babies? I won't tell" he walks up behind me.

"Noooo, tomorrow" I say, putting the hot spaghetti in my bowl.

"Ughhhhhh" he groans, walking to the living room and throwing himself on the couch.

I laugh. "Dramatic much?"

I butter my spaghetti then my phone goes off.

Hannah and Elijah on our group chat.

"WHATS THE GENDERS?!" Hannah asks.

"SPILL!" Elijah adds.

I laugh and type back. "you're just as bad as Knox 😂 you'll find out tomorrow at the party!! i cant wait to tell everyone!!"

"I say two boys 💪🏻" Elijah replies.

"Two girls!!!👸🏻" Hannah adds. "What does Knox want?"

"he wants two boys☺️ he's so excited!" I reply.

"Awwww couple goals!!😍" Hannah texts back.

"I remember I use to have the biggest crush on you 😂 until Knox's big bad ass came in" Elijah texts.

I burst out laughing and Knox turns to me. "What's so funny?" he asks.

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