"Puppy love"

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"Puppy love"
ChenJi(Chenle x Jisung)

Jisung has liked Chenle for a long time, ever since second grade, when Chenle saved him from bullies who wanted to break his cute little glasses because he wouldn't give them his lunch money. Since that day, they became best friends and Jisung developed some tiny feelings.

They were now in they're second year of high school, a long time together. Jisung has seen Chenle date and break up with boys and girls, he's seen him kiss others, cling to others, he's seen everything he didn't want to see. But now that was gonna change.

It was late on the day before Valentine's Day, Jisung walked into the school. He was lucky his mom was the principal who let him have a copy  of the school key and allowed him to use it tonight. He made sure to look around to see if no one was there or the cameras saw him. He walked to where his and Chenle's are and opened Chenle's locker with ease. They used each other's birthday as their locker combination. Chenle had Jisung's birthday as his. He opened the small bag he brought with him and grabbed the stuff he bought for Chenle. He put the small stuffed animal, giant chocolate heart, letters and heart letter in his locker and closed it. He didn't wanna get caught so he closed the bag and walked away quickly.

The next day went by slow. Jisung felt as if when he arrived to school he was gonna cry, and that he did. He saw a person in one knee in front of Chenle as he opened his locker and he saw tears and a smile on his best friends face. Denied. Rejection. Jisung just got rejected from his long time crush. He looked down, hidihg his wet eyes under his brown hair and walked to the principals office. Without a word he slammed that door shut and locked it. His mom wasn't in work today cause he was sick and his father was working from his secretary desk as the the temporary principal. He broke down into silent sobs.

Chenle was worried. He hadn't seen his best friend in the whole day and he wanted to tell him his answer for the letter he had left him. He wanted to say yes. A person had come today to confess but he let them down, just looking a Jisung's letter with a smile and tears streaming down his face. He had seen him walk past him and head somewhere. Everyone in the school heard the slam of the principals office door slam, it was loud and powerful. Chenle hoped Jisung hadn't locked himself there.

As lunch rolled around, Chenle went to the school secretary. He knew Jisung's parents and he wanted to check on his future boyfriend. "Hi Mr. Park." Chenle smiled and waved at Jisung's father. "Ah hey Chenle." Jisung's dad stepped out of his desk and hugged the boy. "Do you know where Sung is?" Chenle asked the man. "I'm not supposed to say but he's in Jaemin's office. I think I heard him crying and sniffling while I passed him his lunch and walked by." Jeno, Jisung's dad, told Chenle. Chenle paled. "Did he tell you why?" Chenle asked. "I think it was that he said that he was rejected by the love of his life... I think." Jeno smiled slightly. "Go to him because I know you'll help him. Also go get him tiger." Jeno pushed Chenle to his husbands office and called him up. "Honey, it's happening." All he could hear were squeals over the phone and running.

Chenle ran to the principals office, slowing down when he got to it. He knocked softly at first. "Sung." He whispered out but got sniffles and small sobs as an answer. "Sung." Chenle said a little louder, still hearing the sobs. "Park Jisung I swear to fucking hell!" Chenle knocked harder on the door, swearing a bit, which earned him a 'did your mother teach you that Zhong?!' from principal Jaemin and secretary Jeno. Jisung has stopped sobbing silently but there were still some sniffles. "What do you want, Lele?" Jisung's voice sounded raspy from behind the door and Chenle noted that he must've been crying ever since he arrived to school. "I just wanna talk Sung, is that okay?" Chenle sat down in front of the door, waiting for an answer. "Sure..." was Jisung's answer. Chenle breathes in.

"Why did you run away from me and the whole school? I know it must've been that you saw me crying and smiling at something right?" Silence was his answer and some sniffles. "Sung, I wasn't crying because of them" Chenle placer his left hand on the door, which he felt being done as well by Jisung, a thing they do when one is sad. "I was crying because I read your letter... my answer is yes Sung." The door immiediatly opened thanks to Principle Park and Jisung attacked him to the floor in a giant hug.

That's how Chenle and Jisung got together.

~~The End~~

Words: 855

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