Chapter 1. Team RWBY meets the Son of Death

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Y/n was walking through the streets at night, when there came a loud roar. I looked to see five large Ursa charging at me.

Y/n (thought): How the hell did five Grimm even get into the city.

With a sigh, you materialized Soul Slicer and waited for the Grimms to reach you. As the first one was closed to you, you thrusted your sword to it's stomach. Once the sword was in, you whip the sword upwards and cut the thing. You then turn around to see that the remain Ursas were already upon you. As you were about to strike another one down, you hear the sound of a shot and see the closes Ursa fall.

???: Hey you! Get out of here!

You turn to see a blonde girl punch an Ursa, knocking it back.

???: Follow me.

Said a girl with Black hair and a bow. You could immediately tell that she was a Faunas. She grabbed your arm and tried to pull you away. You yank your arm way.

Y/n: Stay out of this. Those things decided to attack me and I'm going to make sure they pay for doing so.

Before she could say anything, you just charge right past her and lop off the head of another Ursa. You then dematerialize Soul Slicer and materialize Reaper. As you were about to swing your scythe, you shout to the girls in the way.

Y/n: Get down, unless you want to die!

They didn't hesitate and threw themselves to the ground. And just in time, since you already swung your scythe and sent a Soul Slash flying. The sound of people crying out in pain could be heard as the traveled towards the Ursa, cutting them down, ending their miserable existence. You dematerialize Reaper and start to walk off when a ship appeared. Out from the ship came a man with white hair and a green vest, holding a cane. He stopped you as you where about to begin to leave again.

White haired man: Hello there. May I talk with you.

You give the man a death glare. As you were about to walk pass him, a girl with black and read hair appears in front of you. She seem extremely excited and began to bombard you with questions.


???: Ruby, stop and calm down already.

Said a girl with white hair as she walked towards you. You could tell by her soul that she was a Schnee. You dealt with Schnees in the past, and you weren't looking forward to deal with one now.

White haired man: Yes, Miss Rose. We don't want to overwhelm him.

The girl you presumed to be Ruby looked down at her feet and apologize. You couldn't help but smirk.

Y/n: You guys seem like an interesting group of mortals.

You said this as you chuckled a bit.

Blonde: You do now you're mortal like us too.

When you heard her say that, you began to laugh hysterically. You then fall to the ground, clutching you side.

Y/n: Okay, okay, please stop. I can't take it anymore.

Blonde: Why are you laughing?

She said this, annoyed. After a bit, you get up and dust yourself off, you tell them the reason you were laughing.

Y/n: Simple. I'm immortal.

The white hair girl rolls her eyes.

White haired girl: And Yang is a master comedian.

Blonde: Hey.

You sigh and reveal your wings to them

(This is what your wings looks like)

When they saw your wings, everyone looked shocked. The man with white hair went pale.

Y/n: I'm the Son of Death himself. Now tell me who all of you are.

The man was the first to talk.

White haired man: M-my name is Professor Ozpin.

Ruby: I'm Ruby.

Black haired girl: Blake.

White haired girl: My name is Weiss.

Blonde: And I'm Yang. What's yours; handsome?

As you hide your wings, you respond to Yang

Y/n: My name is y/n Blacksoul, and I am the Son of the grim reaper himself; Death. Now tell me why was it that you stopped me; Ozpin?

You ask him this as you give him a glare saying "if I don't like what you say, you're dead".

Ozpin: I would like you to attend Beacon Academy.

You thought about it and, seeing how you had nothing else to do, you agree to the attend.

Y/n: I'll attend your academy. But under a few conditions.

Ozpin: And what would they be?

Y/n: 1. I'm not going to wear any uniforms 2. I get to choose which team I join 3. I stay with that team in the same dorm or someone's going to die 4. If someone annoys the crap out of me, I will kill them if I feel like it.

Ozpin looked at you worried.

Ozpin: Okay. Well let's head back so that you may choose a team.

Y/n: I already chose one.

This surprised Ozpin. He asked you with team you chose to join.

Y/n: That would be simple; it would be the team standing here with me.

At hearing this, everyone was shocked.

Y/n: Before you ask why. It's because, out of all the mortals I've meet throughout my life, this group of people don't annoy me by their presence and the seem like an amusing and interesting bunch.

Ozpin: I see. Well it's fine with me as long as it's fine with them. What do you girls say.

Ruby: I don't mind

Yang: I definitely don't mind

Blake: I don't have a problem

Weiss didn't say anything. You look at her and say

Y/n: So what do you say, snowflake.

She looked at you confused

Weiss: Snowflake?

Y/n: Yeah. I can tell that when you fight, you fight with grace and elegance.

When Weiss hears this, she blushes a little bit.

Weiss: F-fine, you can join.

You look at Ozpin and say

Y/n: Okay than, let's get going.

As you say this, you make your wings appear and launch off into the sky.

Y/n: Hurry up. I won't wait for anyone.

You say this as you fly off in the direction of Beacon

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