Chapter 5

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A/n: This time there's no name to the chapter because I couldn't think of any. I wouldn't mind some suggesting for idea for the name. Once I choose one that I like, I'll edit the chapter to have the name and give a shout out to the person who gave the best one. I also fixed my wingding to be closer to the actual thing.


Yesterday I went to check on my body to return inside it and immediately returned to my dorm. I was met by my group of girlfriends immediately bombarding me on whether I was actually feeling okay. It was exhausting to convince them that I was fully healed. Today was Saturday, and the girls and I were just hanging around our dorm. I was playing around with a Gaster Blaster the size of my hand, Weiss was studying, Blake was reading her book, and Ruby “was” reading her comic book.

Ruby: What is that? It looks cute.

Ruby said leaning over my shoulder.

Y/n: This; my Rose Petal; is my first Gaster Blaster.

Blake: I remember you using something that looked like that back at the docks, except bigger.

Blake said as she looked up from her book.

Y/n: Those were the same as this one. I just kept this one because I enjoy playing around with it. It's behaves like a protective dog. Well if he dog was a weaponized dragon skull that is.

Weiss: That sounds like something useful for Atlas.

Y/n: Yeah, no.

Weiss: And why not.

Y/n: Because the person has to be part skeleton to be able to use a Gaster Blaster or else it will kill them.

Weiss: Oh!

Y/n: I told Ironwood this and he still insisted. But I didn't give in. But anyways, I'm going to go out for ice cream. If you need me, just call.

RWBY: Okay.

I then used my Semblance to teleport to the park. I began to walk in the direction that the ice cream stand was. When I got there, I began to think of what flavor I wanted. As I did, I saw a hand come up at gently press my nose. I looked down to see Neo.

Y/n: Sup.

She pulled out her scroll and texted something. I felt my scroll vibrate and pulled it out.

Neo(text): I want to ask you something important.

Y/n(text): What is it?

Neo(text): Umm...would you buy me ice cream. I forgot my liens at home.

I sighed and texted

Y/n(text): Sure. Why not.

After sending it to her, she surprised me by suddenly jumping at me and hugging me tightly.

Y/n: You really like your ice cream.

She smiled and nodded. After she released me, I went up to the ice cream stand with her.

Jake: So Gaster found himself a girlfriend, I see.

Y/n: She is just an acquaintance. I'm simply buying her ice cream. Anyways, I already have four girlfriends.

Jake: Wait! Do they…

Y/n: They all agreed to share me. But back to the point. Which flavors do…

I began to say until I noticed the look on Neo’s face. She seemed sad. I could only think of one reason why.

Y/n: I assume that you wanted to be my girlfriend too.

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