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December 18, 2015

"Would you like blueberry, banana, lemon, chocolate, chocolate chip, marble, pumpkin, or strawberry?" Heeyoung's grandmother, Mrs. Lee, listed off the variety of delicious looking muffins they had. "Oh wait, sorry, the marble and banana muffins are going to a customer. You may have any of the others though."

"I'll take a blueberry one, please." Yoongi took a seat at the counter bar.

"Heeyoung, dear, pour your friend some milk." Mrs. Lee told her granddaughter while setting a delicious looking blueberry muffin in front of Yoongi.

"Yes, Grandma." Heeyoung poured two cups of milk and grabbed a strawberry muffin for herself. She sat beside Yoongi at the counter and placed one of the cups of milk beside him.

"So what's the special occasion? You never bring your friends home." Mrs. Lee asked with a small smile in Yoongi's direction.

"We are going to be studying," Heeyoung answered with a mouthful of muffin.

"Oh, is there a test coming up?"

"No, we are just studying to sharpen our knowledge and stuff." Heeyoung shrugged before chugging the rest of her milk.

"I see." She nodded in understanding.

"Come on Yoongi, we're studying in the living room." Heeyoung placed their empty cups in the sink.

Five hours later Mrs. Lee was bringing the study buddies a plate of cookies. She turned the corner to find them both fast asleep with papers, binders, and books spread out around them. Giggling, she set the plate down. She checked the time on her watch.

9:23 pm

She shook Yoongi's shoulder, figuring he would have to go home before his parents worried.

He slowly opened his eyes and shifted on the couch. It took him a few seconds to remember where he was but as he looked around him at all of the papers and books he remembered. He turned his head to find Heeyoung still snoozing beside him on the couch.

"Gather your stuff, dear. I'll drive you home." Mrs. Lee gave him a soft smile.

"Oh no, there's no need. I don't live far." Yoongi politely denied her offer.

"It's late. I wasn't asking." Mrs. Lee answered as she quickly shuffled into the kitchen and returned with a small ziplock bag. "Here, take some home with you." She began filling the bag with the cookies.

"Thank you." Yoongi decided not to argue further and began to gather up his stuff. Before he left he covered Heeyoung with the small throw blanket from one of the chairs in the room. He pushed a few strands of hair out of her face, causing her to twitch. He forced himself to leave instead of watching her a little longer.

"I want to thank you. Heeyoung is an amazing girl and it hurt to see her lying to me about having friends. She was so lonely. Thank you for giving her someone to lean on." Mrs. Lee told Yoongi as they drove out of the driveway.

"I'm nothing special. She came to me, anyway." Yoongi answered.

"Yes, she has a talent when it comes to spotting the broken and breaking down." Mrs. Lee gave him a sad smile. "I can tell by the way you look at her that you really like her. I'm glad she has someone to stay by her side when I'm gone."

Yoongi stared at the wise grandmother in surprise. Was he really that obvious and easy to read? "What about her parents?"

"She never knew them. Her mother passed away and her father... well, let's not open that closet now. But you see, I'm not getting any younger. She needs someone to care for her." She explained regrettably.

"I'll try my best." Yoongi bowed his head.


Yoongi closed the front door behind him slowly trying to make as little noise as possible. The lights were all off except for the soft glow coming from the ajar door of his parent's room. He wondered briefly whether he should go tell them he got home safely before entering his bedroom and falling onto his bed.

He closed his eyes, thinking about Heeyoung and their night spent together studying. He still couldn't understand why she was wasting time with him, but he was glad to not be alone.

He wanted to thank her so he sent her a message.

I wanted to thank you for having me over. It was fun.


A/N: I have mixed thoughts about this chapter. Tell me what you think?

Please kindly let me know if I made any mistakes so I can strive to be better, thank you.

Please click the little star if you enjoyed this chapter and comment on your thoughts! 

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