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December 19th, 2015

Heeyoung awoke to find herself surrounded by neat stacks of books and papers. She stretched, her body sore from sleeping on the couch. A blanket she didn't remember having on her fell off her shoulder. The soft glow of daylight shone through the curtains. She wondered when she had fallen asleep and where Yoongi was. Had Grandma brought him home?

She picked up her phone to check the time and saw that she had a message from Yoongi himself. He never texted her first so it was quite surprising.

Mint Yoongles
I wanted to thank you for having me over. It was fun.

She smiled at the message he left. It wasn't the first time he had been sweet and thanked her for something, but these moments were rare so she always made sure to cherish them.

I told you it'd be fun! We should study together again sometime.

Heeyoung set her phone down just to realize she had forgotten to look at the time. She picked it back up and turned it on at the same time it dinged with a reply from Yoongi. She avoided looking at the message this time and checked the time and date.

9:37 am on December 19th, 2015


Yoongi sat on a bench off to the side from the basketball court at the park a block away from his house. He came here when he didn't want to be at home and face his mom. Today was one of those days. He had woken up last night to her cries again.

A distraction was just what he needed and Heeyoung texting him was perfect.

If that's what you want.

Lee Heeyoung
Is it not what you want?

Yoongi stared wide-eyed at her next message. Of course it's what he wants! He facepalmed himself for being stupid and leaving room for misinterpretation.


Mint Yoongles

Heeyoung grinned at his response. She put her phone in her pocket and continued brushing through her hair. After putting it up in a bun she went out of her room through the living room and to the front door where her shoes and jacket waited. After slipping them both on she went to find her grandma.

"I'm ready to go." She told her grandma, which she found in her art room putting away some paint. "Woah..." She sighed in awe at the painting on the canvas.

The colors formed a beautiful flower that grew in a small lantern.

"You like it?" Her grandma asked.

"I do! It's so pretty." Heeyoung answered.

"Well come on. We don't want to open late." Mrs. Lee called over her shoulder as she shuffled out of the room.

While in the car she found her thoughts drifting to Yoongi. She wondered if he would want to come to the bakery. So she asked.

Hey Yoongs

Mint Yoongles
That's not my name.

Yes, it is.

Mint Yoongles
What do you want?

I was wondering if you'd like to visit me at work. I might be able to give you a discount!


Yoongi began to wonder where she worked. What kind of work environment would suit her bubbly personality?

It depends on where you work...

Lee Heeyoung
My grandmother owns a bakery that she has me working at. I will be in charge of it in the future.

That makes sense... Yoongi thought. A bakery is a perfect place for her.

"Hmm, I am kinda hungry..." He mumbled to himself.

So you'll give me free food?

Lee Heeyoung
Not free, Dummy. Discounted.

Yoongi rolled his eyes at her calling him a dummy and typed out his response.

Did you just call me a dummy? You're such a dork.

Lee Heeyoung
Did you just call me a dork? You're such a meany.

Yoongi almost laughed, but stopped himself and typed in a response.

Did you just call me a meany? You're so ridiculous.

Lee Heeyoung
Did you just call me ridiculous? You're so unkind.

What's the address, fool?

Yoongi started to collect his things and head down the street on his bike.


"Heeyoung, what are you doing over there by the window?" Heeyoung's grandmother called to her from behind the counter.

"I'm waiting for Yoongi to get here. He said he would come to see the bakery." Heeyoung answered without looking away from the window.

"You mean that kind boy you brought home?" Heeyoung nodded.

"Oh, that's him!" She got up from the chair she was sitting in and went to meet him outside.


Yoongi walked his bike down the street, looking down at his phone. He was approaching the bakery now, according to the GPS.

After a few more steps he looked around to see if he could see any bakeries. Soon he spotted Heeyoung outside a lovely pastel-colored bakery. She was waving to him so he lifted his hand in a small wave back. He crossed the street and she ran toward him.

"Congrats, you made it!" She gave him a hug and giggled in his ear. A warmness encircled his body, surprising him. It was something he hadn't felt in a long time. Yoongi just stood there for a second not knowing what to do before wrapping his arms around her back.

She pulled away and the warm feeling ended. It had only lasted five seconds but it felt so much longer. As if time had slowed down just for him to be able to cherish the feeling for a little longer.

"Let's head inside. Grandma can't do all the work by herself!" Heeyoung led the way inside the purple and pink bakery.


A/N: Today's triple update is dedicated to my best friend, Kyty! 💜

Happy birthday you beautiful Strawberry SHORTcake! 🎉

Please kindly let me know if I made any mistakes so I can strive to be better, thank you.

Please click the little star if you enjoyed this chapter and comment on your thoughts!

Years Together || Min YoongiTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon