
27 4 15


December 31st, 2015


Seokjin had answered the door and shouted, making the other five come running.

"Stampede!" Heeyoung yelled and protected Goo with her body.

"If any of you lay one finger on her you won't have any fingers at all when I'm done with you!"

They all turned to Yoongi in shock. It was so quiet you could hear a pin drop, nobody moved.

"Urm... Welcome to my house. My parents will be back in two weeks, so please try not to ruin anything. Besides that, make yourselves at home!" After a while, Namjoon finally broke the silence. Everybody walked off to go back to doing what they were doing, grateful for once that Namjoon had broken something.

"Hey Namjoon, these are for you. It's a thank you present for inviting us over." Heeyoung smiled down at Namjoon, who was now sitting on a big couch. "You really didn't have to."

"Oh," Namjoon glanced over at Yoongi, who stood a little bit away against the wall with Goo. "Um thank you, Noona. It's really no trouble. We couldn't have just left you at that party." Namjoon accepted the cute little package of cookies.

"Wow, I didn't know you were so protective of Goo," Heeyoung said as she walked up to Yoongi. "But you know, she is my dog. Shouldn't I get to decide who touches her? Or more so, shouldn't she?"

"FOOD'S READY!" Jungkook, who was helping Seokjin make dinner, called from the kitchen.

"Yes finally! I've been smelling that since we walked in the door. I am starving!" Heeyoung sprints to the kitchen, forgetting her conversation with Yoongi.

"Well, I hope you like it." Chef Seokjin smiled and set the food on the dining room table. Everybody sat down and thanked them before digging in.

"This is the best thing I have ever tasted!" Heeyoung started drooling.

"Even better than your grandmother's Bulgogi?" Yoongi challenged, making Heeyoung think for a moment.

"...A close second."

"OH OH OH!!" Hoseok shouted with his mouth full. They all looked at him confused and saw that he was pointing at the countdown they had set up on the TV. They all hurried over to the couch. The countdown only had four minutes left. Seokjin was pouring everybody drinks while they all got settled on the large couch. Heeyoung, Goo, and Yoongi stayed in the dining room though.

"Come on Yoongi! I don't want to miss the count down!" Heeyoung pulled on his arm.

"And I don't want my food going cold before I can finish it. You can go without me, you know."

"But I want to count down with you..." Heeyoung pouts and sits back down. Goo puts her paws up on her chair, asking for food probably. Heeyoung pulled Goo onto her lap.

"Just count from here then," Yoongi told her between bites. The minutes past and everybody started to count.

"10! 9! 8! 7! 6! 5! 4! 3! 2! 1! WHOO!" Everyone raised their glasses. The end of 2015 had come, it was a new year.

"I can't believe it's already a new year! It seems like just yesterday you were trying to get rid of me!" Heeyoung shouted.

"That's because it was yesterday. I am still trying to get rid of you." Yoongi told her. "Now go enjoy yourself."

"You love me, I know you do. If you didn't then I wouldn't be here. Right, Goo?" Heeyoung looked down at the Papillon in her lap. The dog tilted it's head up at her, not understanding the command.

"I'm still trying to train her to agree with me..." Heeyoung frowned. This made Yoongi crackle with laughter.

"Guys, let's go on the driveway and set off these fireworks that Jungkook stole from that party!" Jimin shouted to Yoongi and Heeyoung.

"I didn't steal anything! I asked somebody if I could take them." Jungkook glared at Jimin.

"Yeah, and that person was probably too drunk to understand what you were saying!" Jimin shot back.

"Guys, Guys, it doesn't matter. Let's just set them off. Unless of course, any of you want to drive back to the party and return them." Hoseok said, knowing that none of them but him had their license.

The fireworks went off filling the dark sky with beautiful colors. The group watched happily, enjoying each other's company. The future was uncertain, but they were happy at that moment.

"Smile!" Jungkook set up his camera and just as the picture was taken he ran over and dived at them. As if it was the most normal thing, the other five boys caught him for the picture before dropping him. "You dropped me on purpose!" Jungkook acted as if he was deeply offended.

"Yeah, what about it?" Taehyung countered, making Seokjin erupt with laughter. Jungkook scoffed and went to check the pictures.

"Hahaha! Look at Heeyoung's face! You look like you just saw me jump off the balcony instead of jumping into those idiot's arms!" Jungkook laughed and showed off the picture.

"Yeah, well, you just threw yourself at us!" Heeyoung defended herself.

"Relax, he does this pretty much every time," Namjoon commented. "Can we take a normal picture now?"

"Normal? I'm afraid that word isn't in my dictionary." Heeyoung half expected Taehyung to actually pull a dictionary out of nowhere. This made Seokjin laugh again, which made the rest of them laugh.

They did end up taking more pictures. Silly ones included. Then after that, they ate junk food while watching a movie. By then it was 2:24 and everybody but Heeyoung was asleep.

Heeyoung's POV

I slipped from my spot next to Yoongi on the couch, trying not to wake anybody. I failed though, as Goo followed me at my feet. I fixed the blankets that had fallen off over the group and turned off the TV. I gathered up the trash and threw it away. I put the remaining food away in the fridge. When I was satisfied I made my way over to Yoongi.

"Yoongi, I need you to take me home." I gently shook him. His eyes blinked open and he rubbed them tiredly.

"What time is it?"

"Late, almost 2:30. I was supposed to be home by 2:00." I grabbed my jacket and went back to Yoongi. "Be quiet, everyone is asleep."


"Hey, Heeyoung" Yoongi called out to me as I walked up the driveway.

"Yes?" I turned around to face him.

"You look beautiful tonight," Yoongi told me.

"T-thanks, Yoongi. You look nice too." This was the first time he had said something like that to me, it took me off guard and made me feel all fuzzy and warm. It was a strange feeling, something new to me.

"Have a good night's sleep, Heeyoung." Yoongi smiled and turned to get in his car.

"Morning, actually."

"What?" Yoongi turned back around, baffled by my remark.

"It's 2 in the morning, so..." I fiddled with the yellow bead on the necklace my grandmother had given me. Yoongi just laughs, shaking his head.

"I'll see you on Monday, Heeyoung. Enjoy your weekend." With that, he bowed and drove away. I just stood there on the driveway for a while before getting snapped out of my daze by Goo's bark. I hurried inside, shivering from the cold.


A/N: Heeyoung is such an adorably oblivious character. She sometimes reminds me of my best friend Kyty.

Please kindly let me know if I made any mistakes so I can strive to be better, thank you.

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