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January 5th, 2016

Heeyoung stares at the plate of food in front of her. Yoongi had come over and was making sure she took care of herself.

"Stop staring and eat, we have somewhere to be!" Yoongi picked up the fork and shoved some noodles in her mouth. Heeyoung tried to glare at him but ended up just looking silly with cheeks full of pasta. Yoongi laughed at her 'intimidating' face which made Heeyoung choke on her food because she was giggling at Yoongi's adorable smile.


Heeyoung sat in Yoongi's car as he drove them somewhere. "Where are we going? Are we going to the bakery? This is the route I usually take." Heeyoung asked.

"Just wait and see."

They arrived at the destination and it was indeed the bakery. Yoongi opened the door for her and she stepped inside. Jimin, Namjoon, Seokjin, Taehyung, Hoseok, and Jungkook were there waiting for them. The counters were covered in all the stuff they had baked the day before.

"What's all this?" Heeyoung asked.

"It's an apology!" Taehyung answered.

"Yeah, we made a mess of the bakery so we worked hard to clean up the mess and replace everything we ate." Hoseok nodded, agreeing with Taehyung's statement.

"Awe guys you're so sweet!" Heeyoung gathered them all into a hug.

"They overdid it a lot, which was probably a little bit my fault, but at least they learned their lesson," Yoongi commented.

"Yeah, most of this stuff we didn't have to begin with." Heeyoung giggled.

"Does that mean we can eat some of it?" Jin's eyes brightened.

"Yeah, I guess it's alright... Wait. Jimin didn't make any of these did he?" Heeyoung froze.

"Ugh, you guys are so mean!" Jimin frowned and crossed his arms over his chest. "Yoongi wouldn't let me help bake and forced me to do the dishes. I can't believe you told him I was bad at baking!"

"Haha! We love you Jiminie!" Heeyoung laughed.

"Yeah, sure you do." Jimin huffed.


January 12th, 2016

"Test week is coming up so you better start studying." The teacher smirked evilly, knowing the suffering she was putting us through.


"Wanna study at my house, Yoongi?" Heeyoung asked hopefully. They were on their way home after school.

"I guess..." Yoongi looked away and Heeyoung's heart sank, thinking he didn't really want to study with her.

"You don't have too..." Heeyoung stared down at her feet as they carried her forward.

"N-no I will!" Yoongi bit his lip. Why are you such an idiot, Min Yoongi?

The rest of the walk was silent.

"Oh hello, Yoongi! How are you doing today?" Mrs. Lee, Heeyoung's grandmother, greeted them when they walked in. He could hear Goo barking somewhere else in the house.

"I'm doing fine. How are you?" Yoongi bowed in greeting and set his shoes on the shoe rack.

"We'll be studying in my room." Heeyoung gave her grandmother a hug before heading down the hall to her room.

"Oh, I guess I should prepare a snack then!" Mrs. Lee cheerfully smiled and headed to the kitchen. "Good luck!" Yoongi hesitantly followed Heeyoung.

"Crack the door behind you. You can set your bag over there." Heeyoung instructed while setting up her studying tools in front of her. Yoongi set his bag beside him on the floor and pulled out his supplies. He looked up when he heard her shift and realized she was moving all her stuff onto the floor next to his.

"Wha-what are you doing?" Yoongi watched her as she sat down beside him. His heart was acting up again.

"Studying?" Heeyoung laughed.

"Why aren't you sitting on your bed? I'm sure it's more comfortable than the floor."

"Then why don't you sit on it? I don't mind. It's just that you sat on the floor so I thought you wanted to study on the floor?" Heeyoung organized her notes.

"Yeah, but you wanted to be on your bed."

"I want to be wherever you are. We are studying together, after all." Heeyoung continued to reason and Yoongi's heart rate continued to rise.

"O-ok, we can stay here on the floor." Yoongi looked away because he was so nervous. He hated being nervous.

"Here," Heeyoung handed him some flashcards. "Test me."


A/N: This chapter is short and boring. Sorry.

Please kindly let me know if I made any mistakes so I can strive to be better, thank you.

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