
24 4 18


February 12th, 2016

"Hey Heeyoung, you're looking as great as always." Taehyung suddenly appeared, spooking Heeyoung when she closed her locker.

"Oh, uh, hey Taehyung..."

"A happy happy birthday to you." Heeyoung noticed the birthday crown in his hand along with the rainbow-colored lei.

"Um, my birthday is actually tomor-" She tried to correct him.

"Shush!" He put the lei around her neck and placed the crown on her head. "Come with me, you've got places to be!"

"Wha?!" Heeyoung was dragged off by the overly cheery boy.


Taehyung brought her to Hoseok's car and she could see him inside. Taehyung opened the car door for her and held out his hand gesturing for her to enter.

"See you soon." He winked and left after closing the door.

"Well, that was weird. What's going on?" Heeyoung turned to Hoseok, looking for answers. "Are you taking me home today? Did something happen to Yoongi??"

"Haha! No, Yoongi is safe for now." For now?! "And no, you're not going home." Hoseok smiled at her.

"Do you have any idea how creepy that sounds...?" Hoseok didn't answer and started the car. "No? Ok... So where are we going?"

"Well if I told you then I'd probably die."

"Wait, isn't it supposed to be the other way around? If you told me I'd have to die?"

"What? No, that's just dumb. Why would you be in any danger?" Well, you kinda just kidnapped me, but I won't complain...

"Well, you willingly got in the car."

Wait, did I say that out loud?!

Hoseok laughed when he saw her confused expression. "It was evident by the look on your face. You're like an open book."

"I can't decide if that's a compliment..."

"Everything I say is a compliment."


They arrived at a dress shop a little while later.

"How about this one?" Heeyoung held up a peach-colored dress for Hoseok to see.

"No..." Hoseok gave it a dismissive wave and continued looking through a rack of beautiful dresses. He was quietly muttering things to himself like; no, too flashy, too much, too little, maybe some other time, etc...

"Um, Hoseok?"


"Why are we getting a dress anyway? I don't need one and... these are all really nice and... expensive." Heeyoung pursed her lips.

"Oh is money what you're worried about? Don't worry, Namjoon's paying." Hoseok gave her a reassuring smile. "And about you not needing a dress, you do. You just don't know it yet!"

"Um... Ok?" Heeyoung was about to turn away and search a rack when Hoseok suddenly yelled in excitement.

"Ah this one's perfect!" Hoseok was holding up a beautiful blue dress.

"What? I can't wear that!" Heeyoung shook her head.

"Of course you can. A beautiful dress for a beautiful girl. It will look great on you." Hoseok gave her another reassuring smile and Heeyoung couldn't help but feel better.

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