Chapter 4 Sqaishey the duck

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Stampy searched around more. He thought that immediately trying to find them would be too rushed and the something bad would happen. He heard some splashing about in a near by pond. Stampy walked over to it. In the pond swam a yellow duck. She seemed to be having fun playing about in the water. Splashing about, ducking her head under water and bringing it out again with her beak full of water. Stampy slowly approached the pond. The duck looked at him and swam over to him. Stampy bent down, his wolves sat next to him.

"Who are you?" The duck said.

"I'm Stampy" Stampy replied. "And you are?"

"Sqaishey, Sqaishey the duck" she said.

"Sqaishey, you didn't see what happened last night did you?" Stampy asked her.

"No, sorry. I only arrived here early this morning" she replied.

Stampy sighed, stood up and turned to leave.

"Wait, I'll come with you!" She shouted. She jumped out of the pony and ran towards Stampy.

"Wouldn't you rather stay here?" Stampy said.

"I have no point in staying here" she said.

They walked on, finding out more and more about eachother.


A/N: a new chapter. Stampy's met Sqaishey but find out what happens next in HitTheTargets lair in the next chapter.

A Stampy fanfic (sequel) - the enemy returnsWhere stories live. Discover now