Chapter 5 helping a Squid and a Bear who wants his sword back

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Netty quickly rushed out into the corridor, grasping onto the knife. HitTheTarget wasn't there. That was a good thing. But she did hear a bunch of people talking in the room next to her. She looked inside. A bunch of people were hastily running around with syringes, clip boards and alsorts of fancy science wear. At the back of the room, Squid was tied up to a chair no different than the one in the room she just left.

"Why do we have to do this again" one of them asked another.

"Because we need to get info out for Sir and look on the bright side, after this we can turn him into calamari!" Another replied.

Netty grabbed a small metal object near her and threw it down the corridor she then hid. All of the people came rushing out, investigating the noise. Netty walked into the room that Squid was in. She cut the ropes and Squid jumped out of the chair. He was slightly suprised to see Netty there. He looked at here tail.

"You should get that bandaged up" he said. He then walked over to a small cage in another corner of the room. He opened the cage and a small beagle prodded out. Netty looked at them. Squid just looked back and pointed at some bandages. She wrapped it carefully around the end of her tail.

They both walked into the corridor quietly.

"We should get Lee out" Squid said. He directed Netty towards the room that Lee was in.

To Netty's suprise, lee wasn't in a chair but a huge cage. But it looks like he'd given up in trying to get out because he was now sitting in the middle of the cage, head in knees.

"We need a key" Squid said. He was right though, you can't break metal bars with a knife.

"Haven't you got one?" Netty asked.

Squid nodded. He walked over to the cage and opened it. Lee didn't yet seem to have noticed them. They both walked over to him. He looked up at them.

"He took my sword, I'm now useless" Lee said.

"No your not, Lee. We'll make you a new one" Squid replied.

"No you don't understand" lee said. "That sword is importat to me and without it I'm nothing. I have to get it back!" And with that, Lee rushed out of the door and out of sight.

"No point persuading him" Squid muttered.

He and Netty went back onto searching for more of their friends.



Another chapter for u guys to read

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