Chapter 7 Tomohawk and Finball

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Stampy walked along in the woods some more. Along side him, Sqaishey and his wolves walked.

"Why didn't you want to stay in that pond?" Stampy asked.

"Long story" Sqaishey replied.

Up ahead, someone fighting a tree could be seen and heard. Is was someone wearing a red bandana, had red markings on his face and pretty causal clothes.

Stampy and Sqaishey walked up to him.

He was continuously hitting the tree with a sword but he dropped the sword as soon as he saw them coming.

"Who are you?" He asked.

"I'm Stampy and this is Sqaishey, you are?" Stampy replied.

"Tomohawk" he replied.

"And why are you whacking a tree?" Stampy asked him.

"Training" Tomohawk replied.

"Ok," Stampy replied. He turned to leave. He didn't want to waste too much time talking to those he bumped into.

"Wait, can I come with you?" He asked.

Stampy nodded. Tomohawk walked along side them as they walked by.

They soon neared a castle. Stampy was walking past it but halted when a sword blocked his path. A man stepped out of the bush. He wore a purple robe and a golden crown.

"Halt! Who goes there!" He shouted. He posited his sword straight at them. It was obvious he was a king because of the crown.

"I'm Stampy, and theses two are Sqaishey and Tomohawk" Stampy said.

"And your doing 'what' in my kingdom?" He then said.

"Well, I'm just looking for my other friends. Someone took them away, I don't know where but I know who" Stampy replied.

"If your looking for a guy in red with a green face then I know where he went and who you mean" he said.

"Will you show me?" Stampy asked.

"Why of course" he replied. "I'll accompany you. The name's Finball" he said and he started directing them in the direction HitTheTarget had went.

A Stampy fanfic (sequel) - the enemy returnsWhere stories live. Discover now